" Am, you look tired. " said Luna.
" Do I? " asked Amber.
" Taehyung asked me out. " said Luna.
Amber trying not to spit out her food and said " W-what? When? "
" Yesterday. I think I'll say yes. " she smiled. Amber have never seen Luna in this expression, she was speechless.
" Amber, look! Kris is staring at you. " Luna grabbed her arm to get her attention. Amber was busy munching her sandwich, she ignored her.
" Really. With this long distance and girls around her, his eyes are still fixed on you. Look."
Amber was annoyed and she finally lifted her head. Her eyes met his, even it was far.He really is looking at me... what a creep.
Suddenly, some hands came out of no where cupped Amber's eyes from behind.
" What the heck? " Amber grabbed one of the hands in hers and turned to see who it was.
" Omg! Henry oppa! " squealed Luna.
" Haha. Hi! Amber, your hand is so sof- " said Henry.
" Ok what do you want? " said Amber.
" Are you free this weekend? I wanna go somewhere with you. "
" Omg! A date? " said Luna
Henry smiled.
" Y-yea? I guess I'm available this weekend. " replied Amber trying to ignore what Luna said.
" I'll text you then! Why didn't you answer my text though... at the café. " said Henry.Amber was stunned by remembering what happened in the café, not with Henry but Kris.
" Didn't I tell you to serve me only? " said Kris in a low voice.
" I-I-"
" Don't make me jealous all the time. At school and here. " he said.
" You must know that I hate you so much... " said Amber.
Kris kissed her cheek and backed off playfully because the next thing she's gonna do is giving him a huge punch in he stomach but he dodged it.
" I hate you so much Kris Wu!! " said Amber. She didn't know if she was blushing for her anger or what he did. She forgot about Henry's text, she went out to the café again, Henry wasn't there anymore.
Flashback ended" I-uh don't know how to respond your text message? " Amber lied.
" Ooook? Just don't ignore me anymore, I don't like that. " said Henry.
Amber looked at Kris faraway again, he looked annoyed. Because of the fact that Miss President is talking to Henry not him.Café
" WAT DA F-HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE!!! " shouted Amber pointing at Kris in the café kitchen... cooking.
" He's here to help us out! The chef is absent today so we need someone to cook. " said the boss.
" B-but is he good at cooking? " asked Amber.
" Come here. " said Kris. " Say ahh. "
Amber opened her mouth and he slid in a piece of dessert with a fork.This Kris got some skills... but no. No no no. There's no way this guy is working in here. Even though he's really good.
" Good? " asked Kris. Amber didn't say anything. " Good or not? I need your opinion, come on! "
" Good indeed but I still don't approve. " said Amber
" Who needs your approve when the boss is right in front of you. " the boss laughed.
" ... Remi didn't like my cooking... I should leave... " pouted Kris. Amber rolled her eyes.Soon another waitress came, " Hey Kris! "
Oh my gosh, Tzuyu, you're flirting with him too? Thought Amber.
" Oh Remi. He's our new chef by the way. Remi this is Kris and Kr- " said Tzuyu.
" I know her- I mean him. " said Kris.
" Oh really? Cool! How'd you know him? "
" From school. " said Kris staring at Amber . She kept looking away because people in the café doesn't know that he knows that she's a girl.
" You guys must be very good friends. I always see Kris in the café sitting for hours and his eyes are on you the whole time... " said the boss.
" Haha... no actually- " said Amber fake smiling.
" Good friends we are, aren't we Remi? " said Kris and placed his arm around her neck. " Anyway, I'm looking forward to work with you all. "

My Miss President
Fiksi PenggemarWill he blow her cover or keep her secret to himself? Story of a hard working and passionate tomboy at school who holds an important role -- the student council's president. But someone from her school 'accidentally' discovered her secret of her par...