Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven 

Room Of Rivals

          "You're . . . "  I said, slowly, still confused at who I ran into.  My mind wasn't working as it was before and my head hurt like a bitch.  I didn't exactly know what was going on and my attempt at trying to process the words he spoke was failing miserably.

          "What did you say?" 

           "You heard me, Ivy," he snapped while gripping onto my shirt and slamming my already battered body into the wall.  I cried out in pain before biting down hard on my tongue to avoid screaming, again.

          "Your month ended early," he sneered.

          Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks falling from the sky.  It finally made sense to me why this voice had sounded so familiar.  Everything that had happened over the past few days came flying back to me and I mentally slapped myself for not catching it when I first heard his voice.

          Who was the one person that told me there was a job I had to do for him?  Who was the one person that had, literally, kicked the shit out of me?  Who was the first old rival I just happened to run into at the park? 


          My eyes snapped open immediately when I remembered his name.  The light blazed painfully in my eyes, but I pushed it off.  I had more important things to worry about other than a little pain in my head. 

          That sneaky, little shit, I thought bitterly as I looked into his eyes.

          Anger bubbled up inside of me as I registered that he had me plastered against the wall and was demanding something from me.  I clenched my jaw together and stopped squirming.  Drawing my leg back as far as I could without it colliding with the wall, I brought my knee to hit his leg with as much force as I could muster up. 

          Unfortunately for him, my knee came in contact with a very sensitive, very soft spot on his overly sized body.  His face twisted up in pain and he let out a grunt before he let go of my throat and dropped me to the ground.

          I groaned when my body smacked into  his and my head cracked into the concrete floor.  It stung, but I refused to let the slow me down.  Regret would probably plague me later, but I needed to get away from Brock before anything else happened. 

          I pushed my body up and steadied myself on my two feet.  A quick glance behind my body allowed me to see Brock was still cringing in pain.  I took that as my only chance to flee and I moved my feet forward as fast as possible.

          Suddenly, something was holding tightly onto my ankle before it yanked me back.  I wasn't clueless as to what it was, and my body was thrown back by Brock.  I tried to make out where I was going as I flew through the air, but I couldn't see or do anything with the seering pain that was coursing through my body. 

          I hit the wall behind me with a grunt of my own.  Dropping to the floor, my eyes closed before opening, again, and connecting with Brock's.  He was starting to stand and I was frozen in place, on the dirty, concrete ground.  I couldn't move due to the shock my body was in.  

          It started in my back and spread as I put my hands flat on the ground, and stared it down.  I propped myself up on my hands and heaved in a few deep breaths.  Hitting the wall took the air right from my lungs.  It was as easy as stealing candy from a baby . . . or stealing liquor from a drugstore, since I knew how that worked.

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