Chapter 2

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Chapter Two 

Attitude Change Required

          When I entered the kitchen, everyone fell silent.  Taking the seat that I was designated to sit in for the rest of the time I planned to spend in this house, I looked across the table at Cade.  His eyes held anger and confusion as he stared at the table below him.  Looking down at my empty plate, I heard Dan clear his throat, causing my anger to rise once again. 

          "Alright, guys," he said, taking the seat next to Rebecca, his wife.  He was at the head of the table, holding Rebecca’s hand gently.  I felt my blood boil as his voice sounded in my ears.  I wanted so badly to just flip the table and scream hatefully at him.  

          "As you can see, Everlii is back.  I don't want any trouble from either two of you boys -- or from you, Everlii," his voice was stern as he added that end note and I gave him a sarcastic smile.  I knew everyone noticed I was angry, but they didn't say anything about it. 

          "Oh, none, of course . . . "  I said, sarcasm dripping from my very words.  He obviously didn't catch it, though, for the next time he spoke he sounded pleased with my response. 

          "Good; I'm glad to hear that," he said, and signaled for us to start eating.  Everyone was quiet for awhile before he lifted his head and spoke, again, "Cade, do you know of anyone hiring around town?" 

          I looked up at Cade and he sighed before looking over at Dan and speaking.  

          "Yeah, the garage is hiring," he looked back at me after saying this with a devious smile playing at his lips.  I didn't really understand it, because only a half hour ago, he was seemingly angry at me.

          "I wouldn't mind having someone around that actually knows what they’re doing -- if you wouldn't mind me pestering you too much at work . . . "  With that last sentence, he winked at me and I allowed a small smile to play at the corner of my lips.  I knew what he was implying, and it wasn't exactly appropriate for work. 

          "Not that I wouldn't absolutely love that . . . "  I said, adding emphasis on the word "love".  He chuckled at my tone and I shot him a warning look, the smile dropping from my lips, "Do I have any other options?" 

          I wasn't too keen on the idea of working in the garage, again.  I knew Cade's boss didn't like me and Jason was working there.  People that I didn't want to get involved with, again, would probably show up after they found out I was working there . . . and that wasn't a part of the plan to steer clear of trouble. 

          "In a town as small as this, I'm surprised anyone is even hiring.  Plus . . . " Jason said, taking a sip of his water and raising his eyebrows slightly, "You have a record.  Don't tell me you already forgot where you came from, Ivy." 

          "I came from here," I muttered, trying to control myself.

          "Ivy, you didn't come from here.  You came from a family that was equally as fucked up as you are, now," he chuckled. 

          My anger fumed even worse than before.  It's not that I wasn't ready for the harassment . . . I just didn't want it from Jason.  He's always been a little punk who thought he could get anything he wanted.  If I was living in this house until I got my shit together, he'd better shape up his attitude toward me. 

          "Kid, I wouldn't do that if I was you," I said, taking a giant gulp of whatever was in the glass in front of me.  It looked and tasted like wine and I shot Dan a look.  He just nodded as he slightly closed his eyes, his hands folded together with his elbows on the table.  I was grateful he wasn't making me follow all the rules, even though I was still pissed and had murderous intentions towards him.

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