Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

Nostalgic Wishes

          "What?"  I asked, my eyes growing wide.  Hector's dad?  The man I saw only just last night?  He was murdered?

          "No . . .  No, no, no . . .  He can't fucking be dead.  I just talked to him last night, Brian!  Tell me you're fucking with my head!"  I nearly screamed out my words as I jumped up and rushed over to where he was standing. 

          "Ivy, please . . . "  He said, blocking the door I was planning to run out.  

          This couldn't be true – it can't.  I just saw him last night.  He was safe and happy.  He was laughing!  How the Hell did it happen?  Who the Hell would do this to him?  Of all people, who would do this to him?  He was such a good man.

          "You know you can't leave this house.  He wouldn't want you to do that . . .  Please, Ivy . . .  Listen to me," he pleaded with me. 

          "Get the fuck out of the way, Brian," I growled out, now standing in front of him.

          His dirty blonde hair seemed to glow in the sun and his blue eyes lit up with worry.  I couldn't stand this . . .  Jesús was one of the best people I knew – besides that fact, he wasn't weak.  He was old, but not weak.  It had to be someone he trusted, and I'm pretty sure I knew who it was. 

          "Ivy . . . "  I heard Asher whisper from behind me.

          He grabbed my wrist and spun me toward him, engulfing me in a hug.  I collapsed into his arms and sobbed.  Asher and Brian knew the bond I had with Jesús; they knew what he meant to me. 

          "Ash, I know who it was . . . "  I whispered and he nodded, dragging me over to the couch.  Everything in me was telling me to break out of his hold and go find Hector, but I couldn't.  I knew Brian was right and he wouldn't want me getting caught because of this. 

          "How, Brian . . . ?"  I whispered and he shot me a confused look.  Wiping my tears, I shook my head and looked back to him, "How was he killed?  When did you find out?  Where?  I need to know this shit, Brian . . .  I need to know." 

          "Just calm down, Ivy . . . "  Asher whispered, sounding wary. 

          "I found out this morning when I went to see Ashley and Brock," he whispered and I nodded as I thought to myself, Figures. 

          "Ivy, please don't freak out, okay?  I just . . .  I need you to stay as sane as possible for Jason and Cade, alright?  I can't have you going to find them . . . "  He said through a cautious tone.  My body grew colder inside at the holding back of information, and I glared at him. 

          "I already knew it was them," I growled out and he nodded.

          I guess I was already passed the depression stage, and the anger was taking over.  I knew Jesús, and I knew the only people he would stop and talk to at night like that was someone from the gang.

          "Just fucking tell me everything you know, Brian." 

          "Alright; it was last night . . .  Hector and Brock followed you and saw you went to see him.  Hector got pissed off that his dad didn't like what he was doing and snapped.  Brock had to hold him back so that you didn't figure out they'd been following you around . . . "  He paused and took out a cigarette, lighting it up and taking a puff. 

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