Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen 

Calm Your Tits

          "Ivy?"  I heard as I walked down the stairs.  I didn't answer as I reached the bottom and yawned.  It'd been a long day and Asher and Brian went out to get the cars.  Of course I didn't know how they would get them back without suspicion, but they told me not to worry and that they would take care of it.

          "Ivy, what the hell?  Where are you?"  I heard Jason's frantic yelling, again. 

          "Calm your tits, kid . . . "  I said as I stepped off the bottom step. 

          "Oh, god . . . "  He said and engulfed me in a hug.  

          This, of course, took me off guard as males – and females – never tended to touch me without permission, but I hugged him back, anyway.  He wouldn't let go until about two minutes after the beginning of the embrace and when he did, his eyes were filled with worry and suspicion. 

          "Jesus, kid," I said and sighed, walking to the kitchen.  He followed me wihtout another word.

          "When I said to calm your tits, I meant it . . .  You know, the kind where you take a breath and relax instead of attacking me with two arms . . .  How was work?" 

          "Rough," he said as I grabbed out two bottles of beer.  "I saw Brock and Ashley today and I just flipped out." 

          "What?"  I said and paused in my tracks.  

          "What the hell did you just say?  You saw them?  Brock?  Ashley?  When?  Where?!  I thought you were supposed to stay at the garage, kid!  That was the boss’s rule when you were hired with Cade.  Come on!  I mean, I know I'm a rule breaking, hypocritical delinquent but you aren't!  Kid, y-" 

          He cut me off with a chuckle, "Now who need to calm their tits?" 

          Taking a breath, I handed him a beer, "I don't care if I sounded like some psycho fucking bitch or some hypocritical know-it-all or anything, but I worried all day about  you, kid." 

          "Aww, how sweet . . . "  He said before taking a swig of the beer, "Mommy worried about her little boy . . . " 

          "You're in some deep shit, young man," I said and we both snickered over the joke.  Shaking my head, I took a swallow of my beer before we headed out to the back porch.  Standing there for awhile, I heard Jason clear his throat. 

          "Is something on your mind?"  I asked and he sighed, nodding slightly. 

          "When I saw Brock and Ashley, I was on my lunch break and I got this . . . "  He shook his head, raking his brain for the word, "This look from Brock . . . like he knew something was up . . .  I don't know . . .  I saw someone in the back but I don't know who it was.  He looked . . . " 

          "He looked what . . . ?"  I asked when he cut his sentence off.  He shook his head again before shutting his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows.

          "He just . . . resembled Cade.  From what I saw, at least . . . " 

          "You think they would bring him out in public?"  I asked and Jason shrugged.

          "You don't know?  What do you mean you don't know?"  I know how I sounded, but I didn't really care.  The one person I loved and couldn't live without was being held against his own will and I couldn't do a damn thing to get him out of there and home safely. 

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