What Is Happening? 002

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    Jung Hoseok Point of View
Today is the day. The day that we are moving to Daegu. I can't wait to go explore a new chapter in my life. My parents said that today is going to be a very special day for me whatever that means I don't know. The drive there is pretty long so I am just going to sleep on the way there.
(Time skip to 6:29 pm)
As I woke up the first thing I noticed was we were in front of a new house. The house looked pretty nice and our neighborhood looked pretty good as well. As I step out of the moving the first thing I noticed was my neighbor. He is pretty short and has gray hair. He was just staring at me. So me being me I showed him my smile (which some people call my iconic sunshine smile) and waved. I don't think he noticed my smile though but at least he waved back at me. Then the last thing he did was look down at his watch and walked into his house. I was kind of disappointed at him leaving because he looked at an interesting person but maybe we can hang out together in the future.
"Hobi! I need you get ready we are going over to our neighbors for a little get together."
"Okay mom. I will get ready."
As I was getting ready I started to really think about what my mom said. Why would we go to our neighbors? We don't know them this is pretty weird. But I will meet them anyways since I love to meet new people and I don't want to disappoint my parents. At 7:00 pm I walk outside my new house and over to my neighbors. This is where the gray haired boy lives hmm...maybe we will talk together. When my father rang the doorbell the door opened to be greeted by the gray haired boy and his parents. However, what really took me by surprise was what sentence came out of their mouths.
They said,
"Welcome your soon-to-be husband Jung Hoseok!"
Min Yoongi Point of View
"What?!" Hoseok and I say in unison.
"What do you mean soon-to-be husband? I can not be with him. I am not single I am already with Jimin."
"I understand that my son but your father and his parents and I decided this will be the best for the business. Now be nice and go talk with him while us parents go talk together in the living room."
"Ugh fine."
"Hi! I am Jung Heseok as you might have heard but since we will be really close with each other you can call me Hobi."
"Sorry to break it to you Hobi but I am already with someone who is the center of my love life and you will not break us apart. As a matter of fact I am going over to his house right now so please don't call me. If my parents ask where I am going please say I went to buy you flowers."
"Oh okay. I don't like lying but if its for my parents happiness I will do it."
"Okay bye Hoseok."
"You can call me Hobi and bye."
As I took the first few steps outside of my house my feet started to pick and I started running to Jimin's house. As I got to his house I took out my spare key that he gave me when we first started dating and walked in the house shutting the door. After walking up the stairs I approached his door. I decided to just open up his door and surprise him. But in return I was the one who was surprised. I found Jimin in bed sleeping peacefully right next to another boy. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there frozen I did not snap out of my frozen state until I felt a drop of water going down my face. I was crying. I ran out of that house as fast as I could and ran back to my own home. I saw Hobi sitting on the couch looking at the walls. He looked cute focusing on something. He turned and saw my face and his expression immediately turned sad. He asked me what was wrong. I couldn't talk straight I was sobbing. The center of my love life cheated on me. Now I have nobody. I finally managed to say Jimin in a barely audible whisper. Thankfully he heard it and hugged me. I felt calm being in his arms. Maybe marring him wouldn't be so bad. What? No I just witnessed something so painful...but why don't I feel as bad when I am with him? What is happening to me?

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