Ignore Him 006

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    Min Yoongi Point of View
        Last night was probably the worst night for me emotionally. Sure it hurt really bad when I found Jimin with someone else but for some reason this hurts way worse. I couldn't get any sleep last night as well. Once I shut my eyes a picture of Hoseok and Taehyung together stayed permanently in my mind. I don't know what it is and why I feel so hurt when I see Hoseok with someone other than me but this feeling is really messing with me. I am going to try and fall asleep I think I am too tired now to think straight so hopefully they won't be in my mind again.
    Jung Hoseok Point of View
    I don't know why Yoongi left so early yesterday. I thought we were all getting along quite well. Maybe he had something urgent to do. Yeah that is probably it. "Hopie I am going to leave. I have to go meet up with my boyfriend Jungkook. Can I have one more hug before I go?" "Sure thing Taehyungie." As we hugged I am kind of sad to see my best friend leave but he has to go see his boyfriend so I have to let him be. "Bye bye TaeTae." "Bye Bye Hope."

											(Taehyung and his boyfriend Jungkook)

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(Taehyung and his boyfriend Jungkook)

When I closed the door my eyes wondered to the chair that was occupied by Yoongi. I immediately frowned I missed him already. Maybe I should go stop by. He should answer right? Well it is settled I am going to go meet up with him. *Knock Knock* No answer Let me try knocking again. No answer. He must not be home. Let me try texting him. He should respond to me then.
    Hobi: Hey Yoongi I am outside your house. You must not be home right now is it okay if we hang out later? Taehyung isn't here anymore since he left to got his boyfriend Jungkook, also we didn't get to hang out a lot since you didn't stay for long. Sent
    He isn't responding. Why isn't he responding? Did I do something wrong? He is probably mad at me. But why would he be mad at me? I didn't do anything wrong did I? *Ding* Ooh that must be him now. My frown continued to stay on as  I realized it was only my mom. She asked me to run some errands for her. I guess I will spend the day without him. My heart started to hurt a bit. Why is my heart hurting right now? My heart didn't get hit in anyway or anything like that. So why does it feel like a sharp pain is emerging? Why did I hope that the text was from him? I guess I will have the rest of the day to think about it. I got to run these errands for my mom or else she will kill me.
Min Yoongi Point of View
I did get a couple of hours of sleep. I see I got a text message from Hoseok. I would have responded to him but thoughts of him with Taehyung hurt me again. My parents should be coming home soon then I will have more company with me. I feel very lonely without Hoseok with me by my side. To be honest I kind of miss Hoseok as a friend obviously. I am not falling for him, I am technically still with Jimin so I can not do anything that I will regret. Even though Jimin cheated on me I hate the idea of cheating overall so I won't do the same thing to him. Should I respond to him though? I should at least read his message right? How about I flip a coin? Fate will decide my future. Heads is yes and tails is no...and the coin is flipped. It landed on...

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