Water swept the bus down the street. Mitch, Scott, Kevin, and Esther had made it to saftey, but left me and Avi. A giant wave crahsed over us. We were at the top of a building, clinging to it for dear life. While the wave still moved, we were under water. I saw a giant metal pile go strait through Avi. When the wave cleared, I screamed as he fell to the ground. I rushed over to him, staring at the hole in his stomach. Blood was everywhere...
"K-kirstie" Avi said in a hushed whisper.
"Yes?" I asked in tears.
"I...I... Bye" Avi took his last breath, and I felt him go dead weight. I cryed while another wave washed over us. I had lost everything. When the wave clears, Avi's body is gone. I am alone. Then, the biggest wave hits. It's like a tsunami but 250,000,000 times bigger. I close my eyes, and prepare to die.I wake to someone shaking me violently. Not just one person, alit of people. I hear my name.
"KIRSTIE??!!!" Avi practically screams.
"Wha?" I ask. Suddenly it all comes back to me, our situation, and the dream. I start crying.
"We heard you screaming in your sleep." Scott says.
"Are you okay?" Esther asks.
"I-it was j-just a nightmare" I say through tears. I begin to tell them the happenings of my dream. I watch their faces fall, lined with sympathetic looks. I flip out of my bunk, just to be greeted by an extremely tight group hug.
"We have something to tell you Kirstie" Kevin says slowly.
"We're out of food" Mitxh says. I start to hyperventilate. This is how my dream started...
"Kevin, Mitch and I are gonna go and look for food. The waters have gone down, for now. This may be our only chance for awhile." Scott tells me. We decide to all keep our phones on just in case.
After the party left, only Esther, Avi and I were left. We turn on the emergency weather radio, to see what's going on.
The largest hurricane history has hit southern Florida. This hurricane is not expected to move at all for a long time, so thoes caught in it will have to fight their way out. Tsunami warnings are now in place. For all thoes out there, good luck.
We all look at each other. This is gonna be rough. Two hours later, the guys arrive from, apparently, the local supermarket. They came back with basically the whole store in their hands. They said that they took all that they could hold. The rain kicks up again, just in time.
"We need to get a plan" Avi says very seriously.
"If anyone finds any way out of here, you take it. If we get split up, we fight to escape. We will all meet up in Atlanta, Georgia. That's the safest, and easiest to find place around here. Do we have a deal?" Avi looks dead serious. Everyone agrees. I say nothing. Soon all eyes are in me, and I finally nod.
We all go to the kitchen area to sort out the food that the guys brought. They got chips, apples, granola bars, beef jerky, bananas, cookies, bread, crackers, and cans of all sorts of stuff. Most of the food was already gone, so they took the rest. We all have a banana. I go look outside, and gasp. The floods are really high now. I see a stop sign almost covered with water. I see cars buried with the rushing water flowing all around them. Everyone joins me. I hear gasps as the foundation to this parking lot skakes. I look harder, and find that the foundation is starting to crumble. The heavy waves from the high waters made it unstable, and now that we're back to two feet, it's going down. If we don't get out now, were dead.
"Avi..." I said. He realized what was happening and went into action. He went to the driver's seat and started the bus. We all went there with him, exept Mitch and Scott, they were guarding the food. Avi is supposed to be the strong one, so why do I see fear behind his eyes? I held on tight as we drove to the very top of the platform. I could see the dark gray sky glaring at me. I felt my stomach drop. We were going down to the ground. Everyone screamed as the bus left anything supporting it up, and it was in a free fall. About half way down, we were hit by falling debris, and everything went black with the sound of a high pitched ring in my ears.A/N I feel like I just wrote like 20 million books but it's only like 800 words. And trust me, this is gonna get good. I have it all planned out *evil laugh*
I'll go now...

Thunder and Lightning
FanfictionUnfinished story, finished book. If you would like to continue the story after me, feel free to make a sequel to this book. Pentatonix is on tour in Florida when a hurricane hits. While trying to survive in this apocalyptic land, what will happen t...