Third person
They got Kirstie on a stretcher and loaded her into the helicopter. A team of fifteen medically trained professionals worked to keep her stable on their way to the hospital. Once they got her heart rate down and the bleeding stopped for a bit, they relaxed.
Five minutes before they arrived at the hospital, her heart monitor spiked and she began bleeding rapidly. They tried to help, but the helicopter landed. She was rushed into the hospital and taken to surgery. It was supposed to be a day-long (24 hour) surgery. Kirstie was really messed up. It just so happened that Kevin decided to search that very hospital for any signs of Kirsties whereabouts. He walked up to the front desk, not expecting anything but the lady at the front desk saying that she isn't here. Boy was he so wrong this time.Kevin POV
"Hi, I'm wondering if there is a Kirstie Maldonado here?" I could see the nurse's face go pale.
"A-are you a f-friend?" She was stuttering. That is never a good sign.
"What happened to her?!"
"She just got into surgery after being found by a rescue team and was brought here by a helicopter. She is expected to have a 24 hour surgery. Her chances of survival..." The nurse stared at her feet. I could tell she was young. Probably a medical student called in to help because of the storm.
"I need you to tell me!"
"Her chances of survival are 30%." It felt as if someone had stabbed me in the chest. I felt the sting of hot tears come to my eyes.
"W-when..." I managed to get out.
"If she makes it you can see her in one week."
"Thank you. Tell her I stopped by. My name is Kevin. She'll be happy to know." The nurse nodded as I turned and left the building. I got into the rental car I was using and went back to Avi's hospital. He was going to be heartbroken. I drove to the hospital to find Avi making what seems like an escape attempt. He was limping slowly to the direction of the door.
"Sorry Avi, but if you want to escape, you will have to make it quicker than that!" He looked at me with the look of death.
"I'm just taking walk. I'm being relesed in a few hours, there's not much more they can do for me, and there is a high demand for good hospital beds. I'm not gonna use crutches, but extra braces to help me walk will be out around my knee. My knee cap is apparently dislocated and fractured. They've already relocated it, now it just needs to heal. As for my, arm, well it's broken. Just need that to heal. Sorry for the speech, I'm talkative today." He turned around, gesturing for me to follow. I did. We ended up back in his room, where he took a seat on his bed. I sat in one of the chairs.
"Avi, there is something you should know." I looked at him seriously. He shifted in his spot and looked at me attentively.
"Kirstie was found-" I was cut off by an extremely excited Avi.
"REALLY?!! YES THIS IS SO-" I cut him off this time.
"This is no time for celebration, Avi." I saw his eyes go full with fear and worry.
"She is in surgery and is expected to be for the next 23 hours. She.." I rested my head in my hands. How was I supposed to tell Avi that she probably won't make it? I looked up at him and saw him shaking, holding back tears.
"She has a 30% chance of surviving." With that Avi started to cry. Not just cry, bawl. He curled up on the bed and put his head in his hands. His body was shaking from the tears.
"Can we go and wait for the surgery to be done?" He looked at me with pleading eyes.
"Of course. We should check you out first though." I went to the front desk to get Avi cleared while he changed into new clothes that GoodWill had donated to the hospital in this time of need. He came out wearing a black shirt with a red and black checkered, button up overshirt on top. He was wearing blue jeans and his converse that he decided to keep, even thought they were almost brown with dirt instead of black.
"Let's go." He said. He was wearing his leg brace outside of his pants, they won't fit under them. His splint was hidden underneath his over shirt, but because it was at and angle and Avi couldn't bend it because it was solid, his arm was being held up to the side of him. He limped over to me and we walked to my car. He sat in the back seat because he can't bend his knee, so he has to have it rest on the seats. I started the engine and we left the hospital. I looked at the mirror and watched Avi while at a stoplight. His eyes were red, and his bottom lip trembling. This is so hard for him. He truely loves Kirstie. He needs her. I don't think he can live without her...We reach the hospital were Kirstie is. By now, there are 21 hours left before the surgery is done. Then, we'll know if she will make it. I try to think what it would be like without Kirstie. It is such a sad world. I get out of the car. I open the door for Avi and help him out. We walk slowly to the front desk.
"How can I help you?" The lady seriously doesn't recognize me? I almost threw a fit the last time I was here. She seemed to realize who is was and led me to the waiting area outside of what should become Kirstie's room. We had to wait for a minute for Avi to catch up. While he was still making his way over, the nurse got him a wheelchair and pushed him the rest of the way. His leg was propped up, so sharp turns were hard.
"You can keep the wheelchair." She then left. We had 21 hours to wait. That was gonna be the longest hours of our lives.Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been swarmed with homework the past few days but it's the weekend FINALLY. And just a random thought I just watched the 2014 The Maze Runner (the first one) and it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. Bye bye 🐲💗

Thunder and Lightning
Hayran KurguUnfinished story, finished book. If you would like to continue the story after me, feel free to make a sequel to this book. Pentatonix is on tour in Florida when a hurricane hits. While trying to survive in this apocalyptic land, what will happen t...