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Chapter seven

Kristen's POV: it's finally night time. Alli and Charles went to bed probably an hour ago. I change out of my pajamas and put on my shoes. I grab my bag and put it on. I'm not bringing any electronics. My parents would find me if I did. I grab my house key and unlock the front door. I kiss the dogs and walk out of the house, locking it behind me. I take a deep breath and start for the dog park, there is a big patch of woods there. When I reach it I walk into the woods and sit on a big rock. I think about my life, no more friends, no family, no internet. Where will I go from here?

Throughout the night I stay hidden from any cars that drive past. I think about Brandon and Avery and Miranda. What if I never see them again? I find a good resting spot so I lay down and look at the stars. The sky starts getting lighter and lighter as the hours go by. I manage to sleep on the hard ground.

2:00 am

Alli's POV: I feel so bad for yelling at Kristen. I didn't mean it. "Char?" He turns towards me, "yea?" "Do you think Kristen is awake?" "Probably, why?" Charles yawns and sits up, "I need to talk to her." "Ok have fun." He lays back down and closes his eyes. I walk to Kristen's room and knock on her door,

No reply.

I knock again,

No reply.

"Kristen? Are you awake?" I open her door and walk to her bed. "Kristen?" I feel her bed and scream, "CHARLES!!" Charles comes running in the room, "what in the world?!" "Kristen! She she's gone!" Charles panics and paces back and forth. I look on her bed, she left her phone? "Char? Something bad happened! She left her phone! She never leaves her phone!" I start crying, "it's what I said to her isn't it? It's because I yelled!" "No maybe she went to a party." "Without her phone?!" Charles hugs me, "it will be ok, she will come back by morning." We walk back to our room and he tucks me in bed, "try to sleep, ok?" I nod and he gets in next to me. We cuddle and finally fall asleep.

Kristen's POV: It's morning, I don't know what time but it's light outside. I look at my surroundings. I hear dogs barking and people laughing. I stand up and walk towards the noise, the dog park. I stare at everyone, they all are smiling and laughing. They have a good life, no yelling, no hatred... They have a life off of the internet. I reach for my phone that I don't have, crap. I go back to where I put my bag and change. Why did I do this? I can't go back now, I can't. I pace back and forth. They must of found out by now, I mean it's morning, they probably went to wake me up and I was gone...

Charles' POV: "Al, are you ok?" She's sitting on the floor rocking back and forth. She shakes her head, "why would I be, she's gone because I yelled at her." "It wasn't your fault." "Yes Charles it was!" "Don't say that!" I walk over to her and grab her hands. I lift her up, pulling her into a hug. "She will come back. She can't survive without the internet." "Well what if she does?" "She won't." I kiss Alli and she smiles, "I'm pissed." Here we go, the crying is taken over by anger, "I am too." "I'm not letting her come back." "Alli what do you mean?!" "She's stressing me out! What if it's better for her to leave?!" "She did leave at a bad time but we can't just make her leave." "What if we scare her? Tell her she can't come back because she left." "Al, that's so mean." "But she scared us so it's time to scare her." "But Alli. Would you like it if your parents did that to you?!" "Well I never snuck out so I didn't have to worry!" "Do what ever you want Alli but if anything happens it's on you."


Short chapter! Yay... I'm super tired but I wanted to upload something. Hope you enjoy! I love you all

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