Aaron's Vow

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You were eighteen and I was nineteen when fate let our souls collide. We didn't know it then, but that brief eye contact inside the cramped university gymnasium during our game was the start of something we both weren't prepared for. You were unprepared to fall while I was unprepared to love. Yet somehow, maybe deep inside, a small portion of my heart knew that I was capable. Capable of giving love and reciprocating it. You probably do not have even the slightest idea about all the crazy things I did back then to get information about you. I stalked you and I even followed you home one time so I would know where you lived and what kind of people your parents are. I wanted to know more, more and then more. Knowing your name wasn't enough for me. I had to know your favorite color, food and past time. I wanted to know the things that annoy you, the things you secretly love, and the you that you will never let others discover. I was a silent fan of the quirky transferee, you see. I tried to convince myself that it was just an obsession, an infatuation. It cannot be love. I was young and too focused on my goals. I had no time for shit like that. But you had charm and attitude and wit and a smile that could melt hearts. You are passionate, kind and you were just so lovely. Inside and fucking out, chief. We shared something quite unexplainable yet utterly special. It was magical. It was amazing. But it wasn't perfect. It didn't end well for us, despite the fact that we were in love.

When we saw each other again after four years, we were two completely different people. I hated you, Cassidy. I hated you for many things. For leaving me after I put all my faith in you, for turning your back on me, on our love. For being too selfless. I hated you, chief, because you let me go when all I've ever wanted was to be with you. But you did all those things for a good cause, so I would go after my dream to be a renowned entrepreneur. And I did. I followed that dream, chased fervently after it. When I came back to the country, I was already successful and no matter how much I tried to lie to myself about it, I knew that still wanted you.

I was presented the chance to be with the woman I love but I fucked up, I fucked up so badly. You told me that we were having a baby and... I wanted to tell these people who are witness to this ceremony that I jumped in glee and shouted out loud that I was going to be a father. But that wasn't true, that wasn't how I reacted to the wonderful news. I'm ashamed of myself, Cassidy. For doubting you and your loyalty. For doubting my children and your love for me. I'm sorry. I could have been a better father to our twins, I could have been a better man for you. We could have made it, then. We could have been.

We were young and vibrant. We were in love. But we were impulsive. Impetuous. And maybe that's why it didn't work out. We made rash decisions that led to permanent consequences. These decisions are what shaped us into becoming who we are today. We were bound to lose each other in the name of love, but maybe we were also bound to find the right way back. Life, they say, is a constant journey filled with opportunities and infinite chances. But it is also filled with mistakes and bad choices waiting to be made. We are human, too human in fact. Because we committed a lot of them. Five years without you and the kids were the most painful five years of my life. When you came back to introduce them to me, you didn't know how happy you've made me, knowing that they knew who I was and what I looked like. And all of a sudden, I'm in love again. With you, with Alexiana, with Alexander. My world suddenly started revolving for the first time in years because of you three. And I promised myself, that I was gonna retrieve you no matter what it takes. Because I love you and I knew that I had to fight for that love. It wasn't easy knowing that there was someone who almost took my place. He showed you your worth which I wasn't able to do. It kills me every time I see you with him because I knew he deserved you, I knew he wanted to make you happy and make you his queen. I'm sorry, Cassidy that I was such a fool to take you for granted back then. I'm sorry that it had taken me five years to be a better person. I'm sorry because I lacked trust. I knew I had to act to get your love back. And I want to thank God, that once again, he gave me you.

My love didn't change over the years we're apart, instead it intensified. I want to thank you for your love and for the multiple chances you have given me to prove myself. I want to thank you for raising our twins well, for being the best mother there is. I know, that you would be a wonderful wife as well. I want to say that I will stay by your side, that I will support you and cherish you. I will love you even when you can't love yourself, I will love you even at times when you feel like you're unworthy of it, I will love you every day until my last breath. Because you deserve to be loved like that, Cassidy. You are an amazing woman and you deserve to be loved intensely and passionately.

We have a long journey ahead of us, but I hope... That no matter how many left turns I make, you'll still be there to lead me back to the right. I promise to never give up on you, Chief. I love you today, tomorrow, and for all the tomorrows that are yet to come.


Owned by a Billionaire (Monteverde Series 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon