Chapter 4

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This was it. What did I have to confess? I walked up to him casually, smirking. Finally we were face to face. "What do I have to 'confess'?" I asked, rolling my eyes and scoffing. He took out a slip of paper from his pocket and read it out.
"Hey! Guess who I'm going to Prom with! That person's name starts with L..." Liam was totally shook. I cut in furiously, trying to explain. "No! Liam, me and Lily were planning to go to Prom together as best friends and I wrote her this note. But now, Lily's moved to LA... forever. I'm all alone. I understand why you'd think that cuz Lily and Liam... they both start with an L. I'm sorry that you think that." I turned back and walked away, tears threatened to fall. "Wait!" I heard Liam's voice say. I turned back and saw Liam run up to me and stand in front of me, blocking my path completely. "W-will you go to Prom with me? The thing is, you're going all alone, so am I. Besides I got a ton of texts from girls and they're all crazy. I noticed something different in you. They all swoon and dream about me, sorry to sound boastful😂 but you're the only girl who rolls her eyes and sasses me. That's why I'm really hoping you'll go with me." He stared deep into my soul. I replied with, "Nothing would make me happier, Liam," We smiled back at each other. Eventually I was brave enough to hug him. "Prom's tomorrow. You got a dress?" I didn't understand. Then it hit me. He'd got the dress. "Liam, did you send me the dress and shoes?" He smiled, then laughed. He nodded slightly. "Wow, you catch on quick." I rolled my eyebrows at him and he did the same. We ended up in a laughing, crying mess. We headed off to the cafeteria. Liam sat me down with his friends. I wasn't really comfortable here. They were all making fun of me and poking me. I stood up abruptly. "Liam, until you teach your friends some manners, forget about me going to Prom with you." I walked off, Liam chasing me. I ran into a crowd and lost him. I started crying again. Lessons that afternoon were colder and distant with Liam. He begged and pleaded, but I refused. Finally I could go home. I ran down a small alleyway and hid behind a dumpster in case Liam or any of his goons came thundering after me. That was a big mistake. I looked in front of me and saw Katie, the mean, popular girl. She had black cornrows, heavy goth makeup and a black leather jacket with skulls, black jeans and black heeled boots with metal spikes on them. "Get up." She demanded. I was so scared of Goths. I slowly stood up. She grabbed me by the front of my hoodie and pulled me forward. "Everyone knows you're going to Prom with Liam. Tell me everything, or I'm going to ram this heel down your throat." I was truly and utterly terrified. "Speak, you slimy worm!" She roared. I opened my mouth and began talking. "Well, he found this note that said I'm going to prom with a person who's name began with L.  I wrote that note to give to Lily, you see. But then Liam somehow got it, and he thought I meant I was going to prom with him. But Lily's moved to another city, far away and now I'm all alone. Then I walked away but he stopped me and asked me to prom. Now listen, cuz it doesn't end here. I said yes and we went to the cafeteria to eat lunch, but then his big friends started to make fun of me and poke me about. I stood up ad left. I told him that if he doesn't teach his friends any manners, I'm not going to prom with him. I've basically just been trying to ignore him all this time. I still am. I'm, uh, waiting for an apology." She let go of me and her expression softened. "Right. You did good. But Prom's tomorrow. I'll give you a hand. You've been having problems, right? You can fix this, with makeup and cool clothes. Anyway, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet: sleepover. My house. Tomorrow till Monday. I'll text you the address. See ya." And with that, she walked off. I couldn't believe what had just happened. A sleepover. Until Monday? It was Thursday today. Four days. Could I handle it? And with that happy thought, I strolled back home, trying to push back all of my problems and relax...

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