Part 1

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A DaleyFlame's production.

You have just boarded the ship which led to beacon. This was your dream place and where you have always wanted to be. And despite not having any experience going on any adventure in huntsman academy, you were somehow lucky that you've got a place to go after all of that training that you've been through. Just hoping that you might be able to meet quite some amazing friends in your time there and don't meet up when any unfortunate bully. Exciting the bulkhead, you took your amazing gaze right around the beacon seeing how beautiful it was. You were amazed by the sight of it all.

Y/n: Oh why this place is sure massive. Man, is this a real beauty? And also, I'm sure that not everyone is gonna be a really friendly face around here and I suppose that is something that I am gonna have to get used to.

It was quite the big maze but it would be all worth it to get a better look right at the place to see what amazing Beacon is. So having pretty much nowhere else to go, you thought that it might be a better time to stretch your legs to get all the energy out of you so early. And it won't kill you to get another look around beacon so you guess that you may go for another walk.

You continued looking at the beautiful sight of Beacon until you heard a white-haired girl yelling at a red-cloaked girl. "What are you doing?!" The White-haired girl yelled out!"  And speaking of which, the red-cloaked girl looked a bit young to be in beacon, so what could she possibly be doing in a school like this. But guess you're about to find out by getting into some trouble.  You somewhat recognized the white-haired girl. That is Weiss Schnee, you were friends with her sister Winter. You see that she definitely isn't the nicest person there and she isn't being rather too hard on the red-cloaked girl so it might be best for you to step in and try to do something about it. You slowly started to approach the girls.

Y/n: Hey Miss.

Weiss: And just who are you, are you just someone who's just trying to annoy me too?

Y/n: No it's just that I know your sister, She told so much about you, that you're the heiress to the Schnee dust company. And trust me, I wouldn't even bother thinking of making enemies with you. I think it would be best to get more on your good side by the way.

Weiss was surprised at what you just said.

Weiss: Finally an interesting person who knows how important I am. How important business is around here?

You took up a jar of blue dust.

Y/n: So this is dust huh? You just probably be more careful or else you might just end up blowing someone with it. And speaking of which, judging by that temper of yours, I suggest that you should cool off and take a massive chill pill because I bet that you're an accident waiting to happen the moment you are angry. And I know where your business is from. This isn't Atlas and it doesn't matter too much around here. Everyone all around from such is accepted here in beacon so don't go ahead thinking that you're the talk of beacon. So I suggest that you start acting like a regular student and quit acting like a stuck up self-centered brat who probably thinks she is so special.

Weiss got irritated at what you just said. You said some logical message to her about how she was acting think she was probably entitled to being important around beacon. You may have told her the truth but you may have made some sort of enemy.

Weiss: I- such nerve- ugh!

She grabbed the jar of blue dust from you and prepared to leave.

Weiss: Don't think I will forget this.

Y/n: Your welcome to come back for some lifetime lecture miss cold snowflakes.

You saw The red-cloaked girl being helped up by a blonde guy. You walked up to them to get conservation with the girl.

RWBY x male reader volume 1Where stories live. Discover now