Part 8

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It was another day for you and your team. You like to spend some fun with and know what they like so you could the chance to bond with them some before you want to strengthen your connections with them. Ruby is the fun time of person so you would like to spend some time with her. So the first thing you did was buy some comic books for her and it really did her some massive favor because now she have some massive fun reading the comics books and the heroes that were able to stop the Grimm from taking over.

Ruby: Oh my god, thank you so much. These are the best.

Y/n: Well, glad to you're enjoying yourself. So Ruby, is there anything in the books that you may like?

Ruby: Well that are quite a few. Well quite a lot actually. I just mean, look at the weapon and the way how they were able to take down all of the Grimm.

Y/n: Yeah, I know. It really inspires people to be heroes and guardian towards those who need help. They are the real reason why you want to be heroes in the books. I know how you feel right now. These books are so inspiring and they make you wanna be just like the heroes in the book. This is why I wanted to buy these all for you.

Ruby: Great thinking.

Y/n: So, I suppose that there are a quite few places that you want us all to go right now. I mean, Vale is really big and you could like explore some more all around the area. It would be such a nice evening for the both of us.

Ruby: I know. I like spending sometime with you since you know I never had a true friend before.

Y/n: Well that is why you have me. I know that we would get a king just fine now.

Ruby: So are you into the best Huntsman comics?

Y/n: Yeah, I used to have a bunch of collections of them right back at home. I really love going through all the pages and I've read them over and over again. You just wouldn't believe how much if a fan I was just looking right back at the comics and saw how they took down the most dangerous Grimm out there. And i could tell you are the inspired type. Considering that you were able to take down a few Grimm and you could be a carefree girl as well so I guess it is safe to say that you're gonna make an excellent huntress.

Ruby: Thanks, Y/n.

Y/n: So if you ever need any help busting any Grimm, you could always use an helping hand from me.

After you were finished hanging out with Ruby, you were with Weiss next. Since she the mean queen type, you figure that you might have to shed a little light on her dark heart.

Weiss: So what exactly do you want with me?

Y/n: Nothing really, I just want to spend some time with you because you because we're a team. So what you wanna do Ice queen- I mean Weiss?

Weiss: Oh nothing, just for you to go away because I'm busy right now.

You saw that she was studying with her face staring down in the book.

Y/n: You know what I think? I think study sounds really fun. You look as if you could use a partner with you. You may need a little help and I'm here.

Weiss: That's real nice of you but I highly doubt that you could even help me. What I am studying on is about the most deadliest Grimm. And I don't wanna be rude but you're starting to be a nuisance.

Y/n: Well excuse me, miss bossy, I was just trying to help and I just happen to bought the new biology book all about Grimm. I know it would suit your interest. It talks about all sorts of Grimm species. You know, the ones that you haven't even heard of. And reading through it all by myself wouldn't even be all that fun. Because I just want a partner to work with right now and  I when it comes to things like this. I just know that you and I could get along just fine.

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