part 10

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You and your team were calling for Blake.Weiss was still mad at you for your sudden outburst.

Y/n:Come on, Blake where are you?

Ruby:Weiss, you're not helping helping!

Y/n:Yeah, can you just call out for her at least?

Weiss:Oh!You know who I might be able to help? The police.

Y/n:*sigh* Really Weiss?

Weiss:It was just an idea!

Ruby:Yeah, a bad one.

Yang:Weiss, I think we should hear her side if the story, before we jump to any conclusion.

Weiss: I think when we hear it, you all realize I was right.

Penny:And I think that Weiss' hair look wonderful today.

You looked at her surprised not knowing that shew behind you.

Ruby:Aah! Penny!! Where did you come from?!

Penny:Hey guys, what you up to?

Y/n:We're trying to find our friend Blake.

Penny:Ooh! You mean the faunus girl!

Ruby:Wait.How did you know?

Penny: The cat ears.

Yang What cat ear?she wears a...bow...

Ruby:(Whispering) She does like tuna a lot.

Y/n:( Whispering) Yeah because cat sure does like tunas.

Penny:So, where is she?

Ruby:We don't know, she's been missing since Friday.

Y/n:Thanks to Weiss.


Penny grabs Ruby's arm.

Penny:That's terrible.Well don't you worry Ruby,my friend.I won't rest until we go d your teammate.

Ruby:Uh, that's really nice of you Penny, uh, but we're-We're okay.Really.Right guys.

She looked over to you guys but both Weiss and Yang were missing.

Y/n: Those two left off.Okay I'm gonna go somewhere else to try find Blake, Ruby you go somewhere else.


You wondering all over to find Blake but nope, they were no sign of her.

Y/n: (sighs) I can't believe Blake's still missing. I really thought we'd find her by now.

Ruby: I know, it's so weird. She wouldn't just disappear like this.

Penny: Don't worry, we'll find her! Let's keep looking.

As you continued to search for Blake, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Y/n: (softly) I hope she's okay... I know what it's like to feel lost and alone.

Ruby: Yeah, me too. We have to find her and make sure she's safe.

Penny: You guys really care about your teammate. It's nice to see.

Y/n: Of course we do. We might not know each other that well yet, but we're still a team. And I can't help but feel for those who are struggling, like the White Fang.

Ruby: (surprised) The White Fang? Aren't they the ones causing trouble for Faunus and humans alike?

Y/n: (nodding) Yes, but I believe that deep down, they're fighting for a cause born out of pain and injustice. It doesn't excuse their actions, but I can't help but empathize with their struggle.

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