Part 4

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You were with Everybody else. You guys were grab a chest a piece and make it back to the cliff.  The giant never more seems as if it won't be letting up anytime soon right now and it is your job to make sure that it stays out before it could hurt anyone. It's screeched echoed and it was flying high, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

The death stalker was still frozen and that might be a good chance for you deal out a great blow to it. But the never more that is circling above all of is what was making all of this way too dangerous and too risky for all of you.

Y/n: Well the death stalker and the never more are big threats and it would be too dangerous for us to take them down face to face to like.

Ruby: I agree with you. Even with all of our strengths combine, it would be way too risk to take them on like that.

Y/n: With that, we have to make back to the cliff because taking down the death stalker and a giant never more is isn't a good idea.

Jaune: Run and live, now that's an idea I could get behind.

Everybody agreed with you. You all rushed towards the cliff and hid behind a rock.  You made sure to hide well and stay out of the sight of the giant never more that is moving right towards you because that would be a pretty bad thing if you were to get taken into the mouth of them. The nevermore let a loud screech. The death stalker came rushing at you guys so you quickly moved from the area. Now taking the chance to find a very safe spot so you don't eaten alive.

Jaune: There it is.

Jaune pointed up ahead at the cliff, you exited out the forest fast as possible. But that didn't help all that much because the never more now came right over you, blocking your path.

Y/n: You have got to be kidding me!

And what makes the problem even worse is the fact that death stalker from earlier came right after you guys.

Y/n: Now that is just fantastic isn't it. Now we have a full party.

Now being ordered by the blacked-haired boy from before, You saw that the Ginger-haired girl was firing her grenade launcher at the nevermore.  In the process of doing so, she dodged as many feathers that was being shot right at her. You rushes to the guy she was with.

Y/n: Ren was it? That girlfriend of yours is sure crazy ain't she? And I don't even know if that is a good thing or just a bad thing.

Ren: I know she's crazy and she's not my girlfrie-

Before he could finish the death stalker came rushing at you guys. You both got out of the way before it could hit you guys. You rushed up ahead and dodged the attack of the Grimm and then sliced right at it face just scratching it. Now distanting yourself as far away from it as possible. You now whipping out your equipment in gun form, You started shooting at the death stalker. You kept firing and didn't let up in hope that it was dealing out a great damage to the creature but it doesn't seem like it was even doing all that good.

Y/n: I hope that hurt you stupid scorpion monster. And I to tip it all off, it doesn't look like it hurt so what's the point. So what do we do?

Ren: I guess we should call for backup. Let's move.

Y/n: The armor is pretty strong. That is something that I would like to give to it.

It tries to grab you with its pincher. So you quickly dodged it and then you now had your sword in your hand. You put the red dust into your weapon and You fire at it burning it. You now fled away from the creature and to where your friends are at now. Where they are heading now is at a cliff and they manage to cross along it and to a cliff. Well there is one good thing about this is that the death stalker can't follow you guys because of its size. But that still isn't good because the death stalker was at its worst and it's not making things easier for you guys and it seems as if you're gonna have to make it easy for yourselves. As you were crossing the bridge, the nevermore  crashed straight into the bridge, making you, Ren and a red haired and Blake, to be studied dealing with the death stalker. You looked straight up ahead right at the nevermore.

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