part 5

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You were sleeping quite peacefully but it was about time that you wake up because you don't want to be late. You woken up and rubbed your eyes. You grabbed your scroll so that you could be able to see what time it was. You still felt a little drowsy but still have the energy to get up and on your feet. The girls on the other hand seems to be totally fully asleep and don't even have the energy to even get out of their bed. Yang and Ruby have some sort of weird noise that they make when they are asleep. It could be because they were mumble when they sleep. Blake on the other hand doesn't seem like the type of person to sleep but more of the person to read her books underneath the covers. You changed on your school uniforms. The next thing you did was to try and call everyone to wake up. You cleared your throat first.

Y/n: Alright everyone, we do have a long day up ahead of us, we must get to class as quickly as possible because we don't want to miss out of anything important because there are some things that we have yet to learn and it's time that we spend this time as a team.

It appears that you didn't wake anyone up and they were still in their peacefully sleep. So instead of waking them up, you decided to treat them to something. You did make sure to wash your face and brush your teeth before you exited out of the bathroom. Now you've exited out of the room right before you left and quietly, you closed the door behind before you left because you don't want to disrupt their sleep like that.

Y/n: Now what to do.

Breakfast is the best thing that you could do for the girls because you are a fellow teammate and it is your job to make sure that you do something for them. Now leaving outside of the building, you were relieved now to get some fresh air and the breeze blowing right across your face. More students were out there as well and they seem to be enjoying walking and talking among one another. You wasted not time into getting into the cafeteria where they are students inside, ready to get their morning breakfast. You quickly got in line so that you could breakfast and some morning hot cocoa for them because that would help them. Now you were extremely careful now to spill anything down on the ground because that would be really bad for you to do so.

Now that you were right back at the door, it was time for you to wake everyone up.

You woke up Ruby by simply poking her face. She yawned as she woke up.

Ruby: Hey Y/n, what's up.

Y/n: Oh nothing us up. I've got something for you. It's breakfast, it might be best thing to get you up in the morning. So we better wake the others.

Ruby: I guess so.

You first woke up Yang.

Yang: Hey guys. What's up.

Y/n: Nothung

You then woke up Blake.

Y/n: Hey Blake.

Blake: Still tired, five more minutes.

Y/n: Alright then, if it gotta be that way.

You came back with a bucket of cold water and throw it on Blake.

Blake: Hey!

Y/n: Good to see that you are you awake Blake.

Blake looked at you furiously.

Y/n: Okay girls can you be polite and change into your school uniform.

They returned the room in their school.

Y/n: You know if I'm being honest you girls all looked even better in the uniforms.

This causes the girls all to blush.

Y/n: Looks like One person left. Ruby will you do the honors?

Ruby: Okay,  sure.

Ruby went up to where Weiss was sleeping and she blow the whistle in her face causing het to fall off the bed.

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