Part 2

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Beacon opening ceremony was about to begin, you stand near a bunch of students. You saw Ruby near a blonde girl. You figured that it wasn't too hard to pick her out of the big heavy crowd. you decided to go near them.

Ruby Pov.

Seeing my sister wave at me, I walked I was really furious at my sister for ditching me. As I gestured towards her, he grabbed a whole of me and pulled me into a tight hug. Hugs may be sweet but she was like literally suffocating me with her hugs.

Ruby: Yang!Please! Can't! BREATHE!

Blonde girl: How's your first day going little sister?

Ruby: You mean since you ditch and I got into an argument with someone.

Blonde girl:Yikes. It doesn't seem that you were doing too bad yourself. You seems to have caught a grip of a good looking fella back there.

Ruby: Yang pay attention! There was thing crappy girl who's luggage I accidentally knocked over and before you know, we got into a heated argument.

Blonde girl: Aw little sister, please tell that you're just paranoid of making an enemy at beacon.

Ruby: *scoffs* I wish. I tripped over a crabby girls luggage! And then she yelled at me! I wish that it would just end really soon. And then my unlikely hero came to my rescue. And It quite satisfying for him to tell her, her place, I mean seriously, you should have seen her face.

Weiss: YOU!

I jumped up into my sister's arm surprised not knowing that Weiss was there.

Ruby: Oh god it's happening again!

Weiss: You're lucky that, that other dolt came in before you end up making more of a mess.

Blonde girl: Wow yikes, easy ice princess.

Ruby: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I swear.

Your pov.

You heard Weiss bothering Ruby again. You thought you have gotten on her bad side long enough but you suppose it won't hurt you some more if you would tell her place again, so you walked up to her.

Y/n: Um, Weiss?

She turned her attention.

Weiss: You again? What do you want this time?

Y/n: You are being real impolite to Ruby here so can you go somewhere else before yo make more of scene. And we're you raised by some people don't know how to keep their voices down. Like geez, our ears does work right enough, you don't have to be bossy and pretend like the most of us have good ears. Perhaps you should have have done to a school where you could learn how to behave properly.

Weiss: I swear, it's like you are both pests that won't leave me alone.

Weiss once again got really irritated by you, so she left.

Blonde girl: Hey thanks for saving my sister back there.

Y/n: No problem and how are you two sister, you two looked nothing alike.

Blonde girl: We're half sisters. Different moms ya know.

Y/n: Well that just make a lot more sense.

While walking up, you accidentally bumped into someone. Turns out though that it was just Jaune again.

Y/n: Oh sorry, that's my bad. I didn't see you there.

Jaune: No, it's okay. I'm pretty used to that.

Y/n: And if you don't mind me asking. Why did you throw up back there.

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