Part 7

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Your team was fast asleep and you think you jeee to come up with a great way to wake them up somehow. It would be okay to wake them up in the old fashion way but you would like to do things in the old fun way. You then did the first thing by throwing a bucket of water all on Weiss. Weiss shot up right from her bed all wet.

Weiss: Hey! What in the world is wrong with you?

Y/n: Nothing ice queen, just having a little fun is all. Now it's time for Ruby and Yang.

You blew a whistle in their faces, making both of them fall right off the bed. Both of them groaned getting off the floor.

Y/n: And now, time for Blake.

You slow creeped your way over to Blake.


Just hearing this, Blake shot right up from her bed and checked the ground for her book and then she checked underneath her bed and sighed in relief to see that her book is okay.

Y/n: Oh right, I almost forgot. I've got some food and beverages for you guys. I think it would have been the best for you guys since it's the least I could do.

Yang: Aw, you are the best!

Ruby: Thank you so much! And you even got the cookies!

Weiss: This won't make up for you're rude wake up call.

Y/n: So last night, I did some studying on Grimm and I thought it might have been interesting if I just did some working on my semblance.

Ruby: If you don't mind me asking, what is your semblance exactly?

Y/n: It have something to with speed and time. So I slow down my target or it could simply make me move faster than them. Training more could let me get better of using it because I really want to make myself a really strong huntsman.

Ruby: Don't worry about it. I'm sure that you might get there.

Y/n: Well thank you for having so many fate in me, Ruby. I don't feel as if that many people would have any fate in me. But we could be heroes. All of us could be heroes if we could put enough work into it. So does anyone have any fun things to do before we hit class?

Weiss: We could try fixing the bunkbeds because I know for sure that they are death traps waiting to happen.

Y/n: I can't disagree with you there, Weiss but that doesn't sound that much fun. Oh, I know! Drawing. I'm sure that it would so like so much fun because. All we need to do now is figure out what to draw now.

Yang: Well I've got a super nice idea.

You, Ruby and Yang all came together so you could think of what you draw. And you all came together in something. So you placed down a drawing board right infront of you and began working on what creative that you have infront of you right now. And the results was that there was a drawing of Weiss wearing some sort of ice empire outfit which a clown ball on her nose. You all giggled as you all made fun of Weiss who looked really annoyed and irritated.

Yang: Wow, Y/n, I didn't know you could draw.

Y/n: Well, there's a lot of things that you don't know about me, Yang. Well you know I could defend myself when it comes to a fight. And you know that I'm a super fun person unlike Ms.Queen over here.

Weiss: Hey, you're making it sound like I'm a terrible person.

Y/n: Well, I guess when you first met Ruby. That pretty much sums up what's person you are.

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