Chapter Ten:

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Chapter Ten:

After a game of cards, which Jane won, we went for our showers and turned the lights out then laid in out bed just talking before we all fell asleep. I dreamt about nothing important, one dream was that I drank a glass of milk. I have always wondered what dreams mean, if they have some kind of importance or are predicting the future in some weird way. Who knows? Nobody, that is who. That Nobody is one smart guy I must say!

Soon it was Friday afternoon, the week had passed with lots of intense training, and I hardly ever saw Drake let alone get the time to call my family and friends. What if we lose contact and everyone forgets about me, I think daily, the thought scares me and I pray that it will never happen. Jane, Kayla and I grew closer; Jane and I trained all the time she was really great at dancing which make sense since she has been doing it since she was little! Kayla and I grew closer because, well she just gets me and I get her. I never saw Elise again after our first encounter even though I wasn’t looking around for her to be honest.

Drake and I saw each other in passing, I would go to talk to him but something would always interrupt us or he would make an excuse to be excused- it was getting irritating.

Friday afternoon was spent doing extra practice along with some other girls and boys in the studio until I could no longer walk from all the dancing. Walking down the hall way, past two girls, to go get changed out of my dance clothes. I head the girls talking to each other about the dance battle and saying that some girl named Alex Temper would be going and that she would win for sure. The very thought made me want to compete more, God I am so competitive. I don’t want someone else to win, I want to win.

8:23 was the time when I checked my phone before I went to bed. Hopefully by going to bed early I will wake up early and get a bit of practice in before I have beat this Alex Temper’s butt.

I was expecting to wake up to beautiful sunshine but instead it was a storm! Man, I hate the rain. ‘I should go practice anyway,’ I thought to myself. I guess the dance battle will be cancelled or we could dance in the rain but that would be kind of hard, not like in Step Up 2 they make it look so easy… That is a good movie though but I am sure you would slip over if you were doing those moves in the rain.

I practice for an hour then doing a workout at the gym for another hour. I wash all the sweat away in the shower before dressing and going down to the kitchen I feel like a fruit salad. While eating I text my brother back and forth for a bit, surprised he would be awake this early for a weekend. I would say, I hope I didn’t wake him up but to honest I don’t care.

The battle was cancelled and postponed for next month. I don’t know why so long but that is the rumour I heard. It was a shame really, but I guess it had to be done. But fortunately I ran into Drake in the rec room he was being stupid with his friends and I thought he may be in there.

Now is the chance, don’t ruin it. Be firm but not rude. Yes, I give myself pep talks, it doesn’t help but it is still fun to do. “Drake, can I talk to you for a second?” I ask, coming up from behind him.

“Uh, I am busy at the moment. We will talk later,” he explained. Now it is time to be serious.

“No you’re not; don’t lie to me, Drake. I want to know why you have ben avoiding me and if you won’t tell me away from everyone then tell me here. I don’t care,” Perfect, I did it perfectly. And it worked perfectly.

“Fine,” he said walking out into the hallway which was suspiciously abandoned. “Want the truth?”

“Of course I do, I am sick of being ignored and pushed away at the first chance you get. Is it because of the kiss? Because I don’t hate that we did it, it was nice, I told you that. Please, I want to be your friend you have to be the nicest person here but right now you are hurting me,” I told him honestly. It was the fact that he was my first friend here, my first friend at my dream school. I don’t even know what I did wrong to make him do it but whatever it was I had surely learnt my lesson.

“I am sorry, I am so sorry. I just, well I don’t know. I have never really had girls as friends before, I know it sounds lame but I have always had guy friends. Girls just don’t get me; I thought you were faking the friendship. I am sorry. I didn’t know you felt this way, forgive me?” he asked looking down at me with a pout that made him look scary.

“Okay, okay! I forgive you, just stop doing that face; it is freaky!” I said and we cracked up laughing. Pulling him into a hug, he thanked me for being here.

I really couldn’t deal with losing my first friend, sure I would get over t but it would just hurt my confidence and all that crap. Make me feel as though people could just leave me like that, it would be scary. I have never really lost friends before, most of my primary school friends went to high school with me but now I have none of them with me at this school.

“So, have you had dinner yet?” Drake asks as we walk around for a bit, just talking.

“Nope, wanna go out? We still have a few hours left,” I said smiling at him.

“I was going to ask you! You can’t steal my thunder.”

“Too late. I want something expensive,” I joked to him.

“Maccas it is.”


Sorry it has been so long. As with most of us on Wattpad, I have been doing exams and assignments lately but now I am on a 2 week holiday! I am sorry for my lack of writing. I have also been lazy and distracted by the stories in the school libary. I bought this book and it is called BZRK best book. :') 

I entered a competition for a short story which is drawn in a few days, I posted the story on here somewhere. Wish me luck.

Dont expect an update anytime soon. Also I am sorry for deleteing my stories on here but they were not worth the space :) this one is though, i hope.  Tell me if it is entertaining enough :) or not. 

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