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"Find out where that portal leads to and get my sister back! NOW!!" Amiamon shouted toward his army of demonic beings and marched into his tent in anger. A short demon entered after Amiamon. "S-sir..if we don't leave..t-the Holy Army will wipe us out.." Victor the servant of Amiamon shivered in fear. Amiamon growled and glared at his servant. "Then hurry and claim the fucking kingdom so we can continue the search, you useless pixie!!" Amiamon shoved Victor out of the tent making Victor drop his paperwork. Victor hurried to collect his belongings and was able to scurry away to Amaimon's army to do as told.

              ~The Human Realm~

Listening to music til, I felt the house shake!? I took off my earbuds to hear loud explosions outside!! Hurrying outside to see the group of cosplayers again - though they were actually flying in the air and using magic with the weapons I thought were fake?! They're the real thing!!! "This is punishment for attacking our Holy Kingdom! You will pay for your sins you demon!!!" The angel with giant purple wings and also wearing a butler outfit took out a glowing sword. I saw how they tried to stab the sword into the demon with black horns. I hurried back inside my house and slammed the door shut - everything went silent? I didn't waste another second when I dialed 911 when the front door flew off its hinges which made me fall to the floor. Opening my eyes, my house was filled with a purple smoke!? "I-I'm calling the police!" I yelled as my phone still ringing. "What are simple mortals going to do?" The robed demon from before chuckled and snapped his fingers, two giant red and yellow dogs with horns appeared!? Their mouths were dripping with a really hot substance and their eyes were filled of thirst for blood. Quickly I hung up the phone and dropped it onto the floor. "O-okay! I can tell you everything I know!!" I shouted in fear. "That's better" The demon laughed and the dogs disappeared. "I am General Ace, the devil's right-hand demon" Ace bowed in delight. " It must fill you with so much delight to meet such evil beings" Ace winked. "They're no demon lover you imbecile, clearly they hold a holy soul" The angel girl tucked in their wings and landed by the orange haired boy with a crown. They started to argue again when The bleeding horned demon spoke in a very deep and calm voice. "Stop.."-

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