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The angel shoved past another prisoner to only hear the prisoner whisper in her ear."Head to the left and there is a window there..." The witch prisoner has tugged away from the angel and she nodded to the witch. "May the Lord protect you" The angel pushed through the prisoners to the left hall but didn't see the window the witch told her about. "Lord, bless me with your eyes" The angel searched behind some curtains for a to feel a strong hand grip her arm. The angel elbowed the stranger in the stomach to feel her elbow hit something strong. "What's an angel doing in this hallway, oh this could only mean." The demon smiled creepily and picked up the angel, she tried to wiggle herself out of his arms. "I won't allow you to take me back" The angel growled. "What are you going to do about it?"The demon chuckled and took the angel back to where the other prisoners were being put in chains. "Angel, female, submissive and breedable" The Demon laughed with the other demon. "Oh come on Thomas, you know how to make me laugh, even when they are really bad" The demon wiped his eye and put chains on the angel's wrists, ankles, and neck. All the chains connected together to one so Thomas could take her to the dungeon. "It was good talking to you again Paul, see ya around" Thomas held onto the chain tightly as he led the annoyed angel. "You seem quiet, do you know whats going on??" Thomas didn't look at the angel as they continued to follow a line of other prisoners in chains and also being led. "No, and I don't plan on finding out why you have all these poor witches, mages, and etc. I just noticed that I am the only angel here?" The angel pondered. "We demons thought it would be an easy task, but it seems that angels are difficult to capture." Thomas chuckled and finally, she and Thomas were sent to a cell. The inside of the cell there was a chair with hooks on it. "If you would kindly behave and take a seat" Thomas gently sat her on the chair and put the chains on the hooks so she couldn't escape. "If you could inform me of why there are so many prisoners?" She asked annoyed as Thomas searched threw a file? "Samantha? What a beautiful name for such a pain." Thomas looked at Samantha, she glared at Thomas. "Now that you are steaming I want answers from you. We will exchange with each other." Thomas set the file down and walked to the side of the room which had no light. "I am not telling you anything!" Samantha hissed and tried to wiggle the chain out of the hook-the chains growled and glowed purple, they were heating up and burning Samantha on her neck, wrists, and ankles. "AH!- WHAT IS THIS??!!" Samantha was a little weaker. "Now I must ask you if you have ever seen a portal such as this one." Thomas opened another file, it contained a few sketches of the portal that took the angels and demons. "I won't say a word" Samantha had never seen such a portal and was curious herself about such a thing existing in Kemono. "Oh really?" Thomas picked up a bottle and blade from the dark side of the cell, he walked toward Samantha. "What is that??" Samantha's voiced shivered. "Just a little something to help you talk" Thomas stood in front of Samantha and showed the blade to her. "It's an old but a classic enchanted blade" Thomas opened the bottle and Samantha could smell a disgusting and foul scent from the bottle. " A-aka Manah!!?? What are you doing with a bottle of its saliva!?" Samantha was trembling. "How else could we break down the angels?" Thomas covered the blade with the saliva. "You either tell me about this portal, or..the blade?" Thomas held the blade close to Sam's head. "You want the truth??" Samantha wasn't sure if she ever saw the portal or if any angel knew. (You can't handle the truth!!!) "Yes it would very nice of you if you could tell me the truth" Thomas was getting a bit impatient, he pressed the blade on her shoulder and sliced her skin, the saliva quickly dripped into her flesh and while it froze the cut it also burned into Sam. "You-aaggghh!!" Samantha growled and wiggled as she bled. "Tell me about this fucking portal!!!" Thomas put more saliva onto the blade and stabbed it into her leg!! "AAGGHH!! MY LORD!! SAVE ME!!" Samantha screamed out in pain as Thomas drooled a bit, he seemed to be enjoying torturing the angel a bit. "They can't even hear you here little angel." Thomas wiped his mouth and unhooked the chains. "IT BURNS!! PLEASE!! YOU DAMN DEMON!!" Samantha shoved Thomas to the floor and grabbed the bottle of the Aka Manah saliva. Thomas watched her, he was interested of what the angel thinks it could do. "You are already tainted by evil" Thomas smirked. "F-forgive me my l-lord..." Samantha quickly without no second thought had pressed the top of the bottle on top of her lips and chugged down the saliva of the ancient giant. Thomas laughed out and walked over to her. "You think you can just fucking die now?? When I started to get interested??" Thomas lifted Sam's head to his, her head twitching in pain, blood was bubbling out of her mouth. "Fine, then fucking die you idiot angel." Thomas placed her back on the floor as tears were pouring down her cheeks, her body flopping uncontrollably unil she stopped and looked to him. "I-I know..what you are..." Her last words as she took the blade from before and stabbed his arm. Thomas laughed out loud again and ripped the blade out if his arm. "And you are a fool" Thomas stood up and stamped Sam's file with a giant red dead stamp. Thomas exit the cell and Paul was waiting outside, Thomas nodded and Pual entered the cell.-

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