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                ~The Human Realm~ 

"I hoped you liked the meal" Jadis gathered the plates and placed them in the sink. "Thanks for having me over, I needed a dinner like this" I thanked them and went over to help Jadis clean up when Benkai stopped me by grabbing my hand? "Relax, you don't need to help clean cause you are our guest" Benkai let go of my hand. "I'm sure it's late, I'm going to head home." I grabbed my backpack and said bye to everyone then exit the house. I stepped down the steps and onto the sidewalk I sighed once again and looked up at the night sky. "It's not safe to be sticking your neck out like that.." I heard a voice in front of me, quickly looking down to see whoever it was. It was Gore, the tall quiet demon dude. "Gore? What are you doing out?" I adjusted my backpack on my shoulders, a bit nervous to be alone with him. Gore stared at me with worried eyes, his lips frowned and he stepped closer to me. Reacting on instinct I took a step back, Gore's eyes went cold. Gore looked really creepy under the moon's light, he lifted his hands and grabbed my shoulders. Something inside Gore seemed to be awake and he stared at my body, hungry..I was afraid of what he was hungry for. I was so scared that I couldn't struggle or scream, I should have stayed with the angels. "R-rya-" I was going to call out for Ryan, but of course Gore stopped me. He didn't cover my mouth, instead, he jumped really high into the air!! I was getting light headed and needed to sit down, but we were jumping from building to building till we were far away. My vision blurry, I'm not afraid of heights, I just don't enjoy thinking about what he might do to me. We were really far because we landed in a real forest, I fell to my knees and panted. I tried to stand up but instead threw up onto the beautiful green grass, I wiped my mouth and stood to my feet. "Why did you take her with us?" Gore was talking to himself, he slammed his fist into a tree and left a giant dent into it. I leaned onto another tree, my head spinning and confused. "Who are you?" Was the only question I could say, my throat felt really clogged and I could feel my body trembling as Gore or whoever turned around to face me, he formed back into his demon form, which was taller than his human form. I flinched when Gore was in front of me in a blink of the eye! "I'm the rea-"The mysterious person in Gore was interrupted when Benkai was in his angel form, he kicked Gore's face which sent him through a tree!? I looked over to Gore then back to Benkai-suddenly I felt a bag go over my head and I could hear fire and Gore's demonic screams! I tried to get the bag off my head but whoever put it on my head had tied my hands and picked me up. "Get her out of here, then hurry back..this might get messy" I heard Benkai order whoever held me, I felt myself lifted into the air once again, this time I could hear wings flapping and the speed was faster than how Gore was jumping from building to building. I could hear the sounds of dogs barking and people laughing, it was the sound of my regular neighborhood. I felt myself be set down and the rope on my arms was cut, by the time I took off the bag the angel with wings had already flown far away. I searched the floor and found my backpack on the floor, a bit surprised it wasn't stolen I picked it up and headed into my house. I quickly fell onto my couch and threw my backpack onto the floor. "What the fuck just happened?" I grabbed a couch pillow for comfort and placed it over my head. "Heya Sweet Pea, you came home really late. It's good to know you've got friends, but don't forget to tell your old pa before you disappear on me. Kinda got me worried there" My dad laughed and poked my head. "Did you eat dinner?" My dad took the pillow off my head and I could see his heart break a little to see my face still scared of what happened. "W-what happened Sweet Pea?! Did your new friends have anything to do with this?!" My dad was really worried and sat down next to me, he patted my head and hugged me. As always he would be the best to comfort me. "I'm was just so scared..when Zen-" I stopped myself and sighed. "When Zen? Is Zen one of your new friends? Please Sweet Pea, tell me what's going on." My dad looked scared too and held onto my hand in a strong but comforting way. "I just want to sleep, it's been a scary night and I don't want to think about what happened.."I sat up and walked into my room, luckily it was a Friday and I didn't have to leave my house for school or any demons and angels. I changed into my somewhat pajamas aka some shorts and a tank top and wrapped myself in my blanket, all comfy and relaxed I fell asleep.

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