A Thankful Heart

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Acrostic Poetry A-Z.

A Thankful Heart
By Chesz Dylan©

[A]s another year added to my life,

[B]eing with you all even just in Facebook, is more than a blessing in disguise.

[C]o-workers, old acquiantances, admin buddies, breathrens and family to share my Special Day,

[D]riven by your love and thoughtful greetings; I am speechless, I have nothing to say.

[E]ndless connections of both personal and cyber bond, I try to cherish;

[F]riendship unexpected to bloom and continuously flourish.

[G]od's grace and His wonderful ways to my life I am trying to impart,

[H]aving been tested by battles; some witnessed my falls, my victories and the time since I start.

[I]n all your prayers, sensible reprimands and help in times of my need: I am grateful and I sincerely appreciate,

[J]ustified through my heart, it will never be forgotten but instead, I will commemorate.

[K]indness you showed, lessons you taught me and passion to encourage; I will imitate.

[L]iving my life with you all was an experience of my being;

[M]emories, all the laughters, all my childish sentiments and rants, my life's testimonies and even my undertakings.

[N]ever did I feel I was alone, for you have been there; my family in this place or inside this screen,

[O]ffering a little of your time for all my craziness, political shoutouts and bible verses you've seen.

[P]raying for you all that God may bless you abundantly, protect you and guide your ways,

[Q]uietly celebrating for you infront of this little screen, if only I can be with you: I wish I may.

[R]ejoicing with you in your little achievements and milestones; offering a simple tap during your lowest,

[S]adly, I can't be with you; no matter how much I want to, even to the slightest.

[T]o all of you who have been a part of my life, my journeys;

[U]nder any circumstances, through thick and thin and through my financial crisis or the luxuries I fancy.

[V]indicated by the same faith I have, inspired by my exhortations;

[W]atching each of us grow spiritually, in our work or surpassing your limitations.

[X]enodochial breathrens and friends,  some of whom I never thought I have gotten close,

[Y]ears or just months of our friendship, our ministry, our little gatherings or our intercessory.

[Z]ealous people I have met and grown accustomed to that remembered this special day: I thank you for your encouragement, for being part of my life- my story.

All rights reserved.
Chesz Dylan©

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