chapter 28

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         "Broken" Hearted

Ryan's pov

So, I told my parents that I broke up with Angie. And they said sorry and that it would be ok. But I didn't really break up with her. We are going to try a long relationship. But school is starting. Angie will be at her old school. And ill be at a new school. What am I going to do. All my friends left behind. Ashlynn was going back to South Carolina and so was Hayes. We were all split up.

I texted Christy.



R- Hey, how are?

C-I'm fine, how bout you?

R-I'm good, great, actually.

C-Oh, that's good. How's the house?

R- Not very different. We have to get together soon.

C-Yea, We start school in 3 weeks.

R-I start school next week.

C-Haha niceee.




C-Well I have to go, Chelse and I gotta get the horses loaded into the trailer. Ttyl

R-Ok, byee.




                               Chuck' s Pov

We were going to Schenectady for a horse show. The horse show was Saturday and Sunday so we were leaving Friday night. I got on Beau and Christy Got on Jake while Chelsea was in the Shower. We just Galloped around a few times. Her sister came out of the house all ready to go so we loaded the horses and took off. It wasn't that far of a drive. We got there in no time and got the horses all set up. We slept in the Jeep that night and the next morning I watched Christy and Chelsea warm up. They are really good.

                               Angie' s pov

     I can't fucking believe it. He wants to give a "Long distance relationship" A go. Like what the fuck. Why? It's a bad idea. I hate the idea. But I love him. And ill work my way through it. Im a gladiator. Ill fight for him. I love him. <3

                                     Ryan's pov

     I kissed and hugged Angie for the very last time. I let go and nodded my plane. I could see her eyes start to water. I let a tear roll down ,my now pink, cheek.  I put my hand to the window and didn't take it off until we were high in the air. Zach was making fun of me but I didn't care. I love her. And she broke up with me. Why didn't she want a long distance relationship. I don't understand. I just down. I miss her ready, but I had to move on.

                                   1 week later

         It was my first day at Louis. High. Its really Louisiana High, but everybody calls it Louis high. (S= silent)  I walked into the lunch room with , of course, no where to sit. I picked a table in the corner and sat down. This kid walked up to me. He was wearing a striped polo shirt and blue kaky shorts.

"Hey",he said as he sniffled," I'm jack. Who are you?"

"I'm leaving this table",I said as I dumped the contence of my food into the garbage and put my tray on the counter. I walked out as I could feel the kid staring at me. This should be great.

My new schedule was horrific. I hate it. Alot.

period 1 | ACC Math

period 2 | Science.   

period 3 | Social studies

period 4 | German

period 5 | English

period 6 | Lunch

period 7 | ACC Art

period 8 | Work shop

I didn't want to go to ACC Art. Its always so boring and pointless. I walked in and sat down next to this kid named Zackary.

Wired way to spell his name but whatever. I didn't care. Enough.

This girl Patricia Brown walked in and sat across from me. I remember Ashlynn telling me about her.

Hey, I said trying to be nice.

Im a friend of Ashlynn' s.

She looked at me and said "Hi".

The rest was history.

Chapter 29

     6 Years later

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