Chapter 7- Almost Got Caught

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When they all saw a dirty door they got a little scare because that door look so creepy and scary. "Wow this place look so big to me cuz there are so many rooms" said diamond " yeah I know right, even though sugar cube corner look so small in the outside" said rainbow sparkle " should we go in?" Ask bloom "let's do it" said scootaloo" are you guys sure you all wanna go there?" Rainbow sparkle " I do" scootaloo said raising a hoof " same" shinertwiner said "ok let's go" rainbow sparkle said as she opens the door. They saw  a little long and dark hallway where at the corner there was a light and you can hear a pony crying. " Shhh keep quite" rainbow sparkle whisper as the others nod their head and continue walking slowly and quietly.  They finally got close at the end of that hallway. The light was on the left side and everypony peeked in the wall and take a look on what was happening. They all gasp quietly. They all saw the pony was tied up with blood everywhere her cutie mark was gone and her horn was gone but only a little crack horn was left (like tempest horn) and she was crying and they saw pinkie was sewing something and she was tying something. Once pinkie was done she was wearing a necklace with a horn that she took from the pony and a cutie mark cloth where the mark of the pony was on the cloth all sewed up. They all gasp again but pinkie heard somepony she look around and look at the pony the pony's eyes where all shut she wasn't breathing anymore, the pony was dead. Pinkie took a step forward on the exit so she can check if there is somepony in there, as for rainbow sparkle and the others they saw pinkie was walking towards them so they took a step back they walk quietly. They were all panicking in the inside and they were scared as well. Rainbow sparkle couldn't take it anymore of her scarceness so she used her magic and teleport her and her friends back in the counter in sugar cube corner. "AHAHAHAH, I can't take it!!" Shouted diamond while breathing heavily "your not the only one"scootaloo said while shaking in fears " We almost got caught!" Said bloom who was shaking in fear as well. Then suddenly pinkie appears in the counter where her main was back to normal like it was a puffy looking cotton candy main. Good thing she didn't heard what the others said, " hi girls" pinkie said giving them a fright " AAAAHHHH" they all shouted "PINKIE!!" rainbow sparkle shout "AAAHH!!" the others shouted again " whoa there no need to scream" said pinkie in a calming voice while she was walking towards the girls as they all take a step back. They where all shaking in fear. "What's got into you girls?why are you so scared?"ask pinkie with a smile "nothing you just scared us" said shinertwiner "well ok then. And Thank goodness you girls came, there's plenty of things I need from all of you cuz all ponies in ponyville don't have what you have, well except from twilight. You girls and twilight have what I want" pinkie said with a big creepy, weird and scary smile. "What is it?" Rainbow sparkle ask "oh something I don't have in too. Well some ponies have what you had only one thing, like wings~" pinkie said while getting much more closer " uh uhh p-pinkie may you e-excuse us? We n-need t-to go" bloom said as the others nod. Before. Pinkie could speak again they all run out.

Almost at the real beginning of our role play... No need to say anything cuz I don't like publishing unfinished chapter~ and I know again the pic has nothing to do with the chap...

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