Chapter 11- Losing Pinkie Pie

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As pinkie star pretending the girls panicked. "I don't even know what were going to do!! This is bad! REALLY bad! Mom and mother will be so mad and disappointed at this!!" Sparkle said walking in circles stressed, then suddenly diamond gasp "wait! There's a other spell that will bring all of her memories back!" Diamond said which she maid all of her panicking friends stop walking around and look at her "what spell?" Ask bloom "duh, the memory spell" she said in a 'duh' tone and suddenly her friends face glowed with smiles "oh yeah! That spell!but... Do you guys know how to cast it?" Sparkle ask "well not yet, I just know it" diamond said "same here" bloom said raising a hoof "how about you sparkle do you know how?" Shinertwiner ask "not yet, but mom had a spell book, well tons of spell book to be exact. Its in her library" sparkle said "well what are we waiting for? Let's find it!" Scootaloo said with a happy voice as the rest had a smile on their faces "ok then cmon, bring pinkie though"sparkle said and start flying towards the library "c'mon pinks"diamond said and bloom use her magic and levitate pinkie and they all start flying and followed sparkle in the library room.

*at the library*
"Well here it is" sparkle said opening the door "woah!" Diamond said "wow! There's so many books!"bloom said "I know right" sparkle said and start walking inside "ok let's find that book"sparkle said "but who's going to look after pinkie?" Ask scootaloo "you of course" bloom jokily said and giggles "what? Why me?!"scootaloo ask "cuz your tough" shinertwiner said "well yeah I know that, but why me?!" She ask again " aren't you tough? If you are you have agreed on looking after pinkie. But if your not then your scared"diamond said with a smirk "w-well I am tough! But I rather help you look" scootaloo said "well looks like its officially confirmed"sparkle said "what is?" She ask again "its officially confirmed that you are not tough and you are scared" sparkle teased scootaloo "w-well i- ugh!! Fine!! I'll look after pinkie!" Scootaloo said in defeat and the rest laugh a little and start looking.

*after 15mins*
'Hehehehe... Looking for a memory spell? Hehehe don't worry girls, your killer party pony is still here no need to look for a spell' pinkie thought and look at scootaloo, she was sleeping and the rest is still looking around. 'Great I can escape!'Pinkamena thought again and sneak out.

*55minutes pass*
"Ah. There it is"sparkle said "hey guys I found it!" Sparkle said and bloom,diamond and shinertwiner look at her and fly over her "oohh let me see!"diamond said and sparkle handed her the book "oohh nice" she said and they flew down and landed on the ground and walk right to scootaloo to find that she is asleep and pinkie wasn't there anymore "huh?" The girls except scootaloo said "hey scoot wake up" sparkle said shaking scootaloo"scootaloo where's pinkie?"ask shinertwiner she yawn and said "right beside me" not opening her eyes "uh she isn't" bloom said, scootaloo yawn and open her eyes and she still didn't look at where pinkie was before "heck yeah, she's right he-" she cut her self off when she look at where pinkie was before and saw pinkie wasn't there "what?! Where is she?!" Ask scootaloo "shouldn't you suppose to know?" Ask sparkle "yeah!" Diamond added "s-sorry I just went to sleep for a bit. Before I went to sleep pinkie is still right beside me" scootaloo explain "well we better find her right away!" Diamond said and start heading to the door "c'mon let go find her"sparkle agreed and they all headed out.

*Out Side Ponyville*
"Where we should look?" Ask shinertwiner "sugar cube corner? I guess" diamond said "c'mon lets check" sparkle said and start running and so well the others, they look around the sweet shop and to her party planning basement and to her room where pinkie kill ponies. The girls reached the room and gasp when they saw pinkie still with straight main, and a little drained color pink, and holding a knife, and she was covered in blood and lastly a dead mare pony tied up, and that pony was Mrs. Cake. "P-pinkie?!" Sparkle whisper-shouted and pinkie turn around "oh hey girls"pinkie said "you!you tricked us?!" Shouted shinertwiner " yes I did. You really thought I lost my memories?" Pinkie ask laughing and walking towards the girls. The girls step back with angry looks on their faces "why are you mad? Didn't you like it?" Pinkie ask again "why. Would. WE!!!" Shouted scootaloo "we thought we have you back! What's got in to you?! Why are you like this?! Its just one pony pinkie! Only one pony hate your party! The most important thing is that there is still many ponies love your party! And not only your party, ponyville loves you too! We want you back! Aren't you the Element of Laughter?! If you are your not suppose to be like this! Your suppose to be easy to make you happy! Your friends miss you and wants you back!" Sparkle said almost tearing up and so did the rest who has some few tears in their faces "pinkie pls just come back!"bloom said also tearing up "we miss you pinkie"shinertwiner said "pls pinkie, we want the old you"diamond begged "yeah pinkie we miss you, we all want you back"scootaloo said it sadly. Pinkie froze at what the girls said 't-there right.' Pinkie thought and shake her head
'Pinkamena: NO! Pinkie don't listen to them! You are now Pinkamena like me! you can get anything you want!

Pinkie: But I don't wanna lose my friends!

Pinkamena: Pinkie snap out of it forget what the girls said!

Pinkie: But-

Pinkamena: Forget them! Remember some pony hate your party!

Pinkie: Yeah I know that! As the Element of Laughter I shouldn't be like this!

Pinkamena: Forget that "Element of Laughter"! There is no more of that Element! We can take what ever we want! We can take Equestria! Being like you, you'll just make your self suffer saving Equestria but some ponies don't even care!

Pinkie: I don't care if ponies don't care! I still care for our land! Equestria!

Pinkamena: If you care why are you doing this now?

Pinkie: Because you forced me!and you controlled me!

Pinkamena: Yes I did! I want to destroy the Elements and take over Equestria! You could be my assistant if you want.

Pinkie: No!

Pinkamena: Is that so? Then maybe we should just continue this!

Pinkie: But i-

Pinkamena: You won't listen?! Fine! That's what you want I will take over you then!

Pinkie: Wait?! What?! No! Pinkamena~!!!'

Hello! Again! Do you like it?. Does it look like a cliffhanger? For me I don't even know. Comment down if it is. And looks like I'm starting to call her PINKAMENA know *giggles* so let's just see in the upcoming chapter! Bye bye readers! Next time!*wink* and sorry I took so long to update we lost internet for a couple of days so that's that..

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