Chapter 8- The plan

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When they all start running away pinkie smiled evilly. The girls headed back to the Friendship Castle. They all bust through the door and went straight in the Thrown Room. "There you girls are" said twilight who was quite relieve to see the girls fine " well girls how did it go?" Rarity ask " well we saw Pinkie's secret basement and we found her secret room where she kills ponies and..." Bloom stop " and?" Ask apple jack " and we saw a mare unicorn pony tied up and umm..."  Diamond stop too "And what?"  twilight ask " why are you girls scared to tell us?" Rainbow ask "well you see, uumm when we saw the pony she had blood everywhere and her mark is gone and her horn as well" rainbow sparkle said it a bit fast. For twilight and the others was left in shock on what rainbow sparkle said "oh my!" Fluttershy said who was shock and scared "didn't ya stop pinkie?" Apple jack ask " we were about too but when we got there we where too late" said shinertwiner as rarity faint dramatically "then we saw pinkie sewed the pony's mark as a cloth and make her horn like a necklace" said scootaloo " did she hurt you all?!" Twilight ask worried "no" the girls said in unison. "Good, ok let's make a plan for this!" Twilight said as the girls walk close to the table. They all plan on how to stop pinkie.

*skip after talking about the plan*

"ok, do you girls got it?" Twilight ask "yes" they said in unison "ok then, are you girls ready for it?" Ask rainbow dash and the girls nodded "darlings be careful." Rarity said "we will" said rainbow sparkle. They all return in the sugar cube corner, they burst through the doors of sugar cube corner. As they saw the place so quite and peaceful again. "Pinkie!" Bloom shout "pinkie come out!" Diamond said then the kitchen door flung open revealing a pink mare with pink and straight mane "pinkie?" The girls said in unison "oh, hi girls~!" Said pinkie in a creepy way "glad you girls came back! I thought you would never come back again"pinkie added and walk closer to the others as they walk back with a little glare and a frown on their faces "why so angry?" Pinkie ask with a creepy smile "j-just snap out of it!" Said rainbow sparkle "what? What do you mean?" Ask pinkie "don't play dumb on us pinkie!" Shinertwiner shouted "oh, ok...... You ask for it~" pinkie said and walk close to the girls and gave them a mad look. As pinkie walk close the others started their magic in case pinkie attack. Pinkie took a knife and ran to them but luckily pinkie missed them. Diamond blast a magic the same thing bloom and rainbow sparkle did but pinkie jumped in the air and the three magics shot in the middle and it explode like a  air wave that made all of them laid in the ground. They all stand up a bit weak and pinkie was about to attack diamond but she was shot by a magic by bloom as pinkie hit the wall "thanks" diamond said "your welcome" bloom reply back and pinkie stand up weakly and jump in the air and about to hit rainbow sparkle with the knife but scootaloo kick pinkie and again she hit the wall again and shinertwiner took the knife and rainbow sparkle cast a spell on pinkie as she fell in a deep sleep for a long time "c'mon let's get out of here!" Rainbow sparkle said and they all left sugar cube corner by leaving pinkie in a deep sleep.

Ok I know its short hard to think ya know... And I know what they are doing going to SCC then to the castle then back again in SCC I know its very exhausting but their doing it to save ponyville ya know..

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