Chapter 16- The Final Battle

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PS: I wasn't suppose to continue this but someone said they loved it and want this story to continue, so to make you happy, I'm continuing this story. This will be the LAST CHAPTER. So that's all. Enjoy!

The girls ran as fast as they can to get to the castle. They burst through the doors, every room they checked but she wasn't there. All of them ran to the thrown room as they open it the saw Pinkamena sitting in Pinkie's thrown. "Oh hello girls!" Pinkamena greet them, "Pinkamena!! That is enough! Stop being like this! Do you have any idea on how many ponies you killed?! The ponies who loved your parties so much?! Whose this freaking pony anyway?!" Sparkle ask really mad "Trixie Lullamoon" Pinkamena answer. She stood up and walk closer to them, while walking closer her eyes change in the color of black, her mark color changed, instead of blue and yellow it turned into black and red, her mane getting longer a bit and darker pink, her coat turning in the darkest color of pink. "You know? I always thought of how......" She stopped, her voice changed, it was like plenty of ponies voices echoing while she speak, "you taste" she added and laugh so creepy.

The girls ran out while Pinkamena chase after them, they split up and hide, "girls!~ where are you?~" she said looking around, "cmon! We all know you won't live for long while I'm still here" she said. On the other side, one of the alicorns are trying to find a way to get in in Pinkamena' s mind. Sparkle succeed, she can keep it up since she's hiding in a box.

Inside Pinkamena' s Mind
It was black, nothing else but darkness upon her, "hello?" Sparkle said thinking maybe somepony could hear her, but her voice only echoed "pinkie?" She said again and start walking, while she walking she was feeling that the ground is getting a bit slippery, she used her light magic and look down seeing blood trails, she followed it, while following the blood trail she saw a door. It was locked, chained up and blocked by woods, and a written note 'Go Away' 'Prison' 'No Entry' and 'Keep Away To Pinkie Pie' the last note caught sparkle' s attention, "pinkie?" She whisper when suddenly the door moved, somepony was banging on the other side "hello?! Anypony out there?! Pls help me?!" The voice of a high pitch and a cheery voice "p-pinkie pie?! Is that you?!" Sparkle ask "sparkle!!! Help me get me out of here! I need to get back out and put her back here!!" Pinkie yell "why?" Sparkle ask "if she had been in my body for more than 4 days, she will be permanently controlling of my body and I won't be able to go back!!! I will fade away!" The last words hit sparkle "don't worry! I'll get you out!" Sparkle yell back and try breaking the padlock, it took them more than 45mins to break it, until sparkle had break it pinkie went out, by mean pinkie the real pinkie pie. Blue eyes, yellow and blue balloons, pink curly hair and light pink coat.

"Pinkie!" Sparkle said and hugged her, pinkie hugged back. They let go when they heard Pinkamena scream, "we need to get out of here!" Pinkie said as they both start running, "how do we get out?!" Sparkle ask "your the one who needs to get out, I'll take care of her" pinkie said, sparkle was confuse but did what pinkie ask her to do.

Sparkle is out, Pinkamena is still decking ponyville, only few ponies left, "GIRLS GET OUT!!! NOW!!!" Pinkamena yell, the rest of sparkle's friends approach her, "what happen to you?!" Shine ask "I released pinkie" sparkle said with a smile. The rest look at each other confuse, a bright light came out if Pinkamena. The white light turned pink and formed a pony, the light fade away showing pinkie pie, "pinkie?!" Shinertwiner whisper-shouted. "H-how did you get out?!" Pinkamena ask "I don't know? How did I get out? You lock the room right? Maybe you realised me!" Pinkie said cheerily with a smile, practically goofing around. "Get back in! Now!!" Pinkamena demand "I don't want too! Why don't you go back in? Its boring in there, I wanna have a party" pinkie said "YOU PSYCHO!!!" Pinkamena yell which got pinkie to stop what she was doing, pinkie gave her a death glare "look Pinkamena! I'm only trying to be nice and make you smile! I treated you as my twin sister but you betrayed me!! Now you will pay" pinkie said deeply, a bright pink light appear on her, she blast out a pink light beam on Pinkamena but she blast out a dark pink to defend her self, Pinkamena was winning, she laughed. But her magic backed out "w-what?!" She ask, her magic drained.

It was so unbelievable, all the dead ponies were in a light, by their coat color and each one appeared, everypony went in the back of pinkie and help her "N-no!!!" Pinkamena yell "looks like that party is over for you! Pinkamena Dianna Pie!!" Pinkie said, the bright light grew big and hit Pinkamena, "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" was the last words Pinkamena yell before disappearing.

The bright light of everypony fade away, Pinkamena was gone. The sun raise up just in time, ponies cheered. "Pinkie!! You're back!!" A pony said, pinkie turned around and saw her beloved friends, the first pony to jug her was fluttershy "pinkie!!!" Everypony yell. "I'm so sorry for the huge trouble Pinkamena did, I'll pay for her faults" pinkie said "pinkie, you don't have too, it wasn't you, it was her, we miss you!" Twilight said. Everypony gave pinkie a hugged and forgive her, even though it wasn't really her who did everything.

Pinkie was back to normal, everypony who died became alive again because of Pinkie's love and protection on them and their memories of her, everything is back to normal. Pinkie was in her room looking at her self in a mirror, it wasn't her she is seeing, it was Pinkamena, she's still alive, "How are your doing?" Pinkie ask "I'll Be Back Soon Pinkie, I'll Be Back" was all Pinkamena said.


A/N: Iknow the ending was boring, like I said, I lost my interest of this story plus I forgot the rest of our role play, I made up the rest and most of all we didn't finish the role play. So they agreed on me to make something up. So this is it! Thank you for the support! I hoped you all loved it even its only a lame battle, Thank You Again My Beloved Readers!!! Until here, BYE!!!

Thank You Again!
Author: Gayle Star

Pls don't forget to vote just even a bit and pls comment and tell what is your opinion on this story, follow me too! Thanks!! Love ya all!


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