Chapter 10- Another Trouble?

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After the three alicorns put down the sleeping pink mare on the table they took two step backwards "Ok let's get this over with" twilight said and start her magic but when she was about to cast another spell on pinkie she was interrupted by spike who burst through the doors "TWILIGHT!!!" shouted spike. He stop in front of the table he was sweating and breathing heavily "what is it spike?" Twilight ask while getting off of her chair "I *pant* got something phew, let me just-*burp*" spike blew out a green fire and it turned into a scroll, twilight pick up the scroll and read it loud for everypony to hear and It said:

My Dear Princess Twilight,

     I have some bad news. Canterlot had been going on into some troubles, I have known for a unicorn mare named Black Gem is putting some troubles around the castle she is casting spells on two ponies as the ponies got into a fight she's making everypony fight in here and making canterlot awful and messy, while animals in here go wild destroying everything while fires around. The guards can't take her she is to powerful, as i know you are the most powerful one with your friends i know you can stop her. Pls if you may come here with your friends pls save canterlot from this unicorn mare she is really dangerous for canterlot.

                                  Helped needed from,
                           Princess Celestia
Twilight finish reading while the rest was left in shock. "Oh my! Two troubles?!"ask fluttershy scared "oh my dear!what do we do?! We already have some problems about pinkie!"rarity said "should we go to canterlot?"ask rainbow dash "this is really a big problem for the five of us... Sparkle I know your great at magic and so well the two of you diamond and bloom can you three cast spells on pinkie?" Twilight asked "yes" the three alicorns said in unison "OK then, you two shine and scootaloo can you two help them guard pinkie?" Twilight ask the two pegasus "yes we can" shinertwiner said "you can count on the five us" scootaloo said "are you girls sure?" Twilight ask again making sure they can "yes" they said in unison "ok then all you three need to do is to cast a spell on pinkie that will make her forget that somepony hate her party and make her forget that she kills ponies" twilight explained to the three alicorns on what will they do "ok then"sparkle said "and as for you two. Shinertwiner and scootaloo you two need to be prepared in case pinkie woke up"twilight said "we got it" shinertwiner said "ok great. I'm just so worried about this!" Twilight said looking stressed "now darling its ok. We can do this, because we got this... Together." rarity said "yeah twilight no need to be stress." Fluttershy said in a smooth voice that maid twilight calm down. "Well I think your right, we best be going to canterlot" twilight said with a sigh in the end " we need to hurry sugarcube so this girls here won't risk lookin' aroun' pinkie" apple jack said " Or for you to say its Pinkamena for now" rainbow dash said heading to the door followed by twilight, rarity and fluttershy "well ah didn't know she called herself that" apple jack said following the others as sparkle,diamond,bloom,shine and scootaloo was left all alone in the room, the mane five closed the door as the girls looked back at the sleeping Pinkamena just then they heard the door open again that caught their attention and they look at where the sound was and saw twilight, "girls be careful" twilight said and left as she close the door with her magic. "Well, what now?" Ask shinertwiner as she a
Walk towards the table sparkle sigh "looks like we caught the job to our selves" sparkle said and sat on twilight's chair as diamond sat on rarity's chair, bloom sat on apple jack's chair,shinertwiner sat on fluterrshy's chair and scootaloo on rainbow's chair. Pinkie was still as sleep in the crystal table "so which one of you three know what ever the spell is?" Ask shinertwiner "memory remover spell"sparkle said looking bored "oh yeah!" Diamond said "I kinda forgot it hehehe"she added "well let's start this up" bloom said "yeah, cast the spell already. Don't wait for pinkie to woke up" scootaloo said pointing at Pinkamena "ok then. Diamond, sparkle c'mon let's start" bloom said and flew up and so did sparkle and diamond flew up. They all closed their eyes and start their magic at the same time there was a line of magic came out of their horn in the same color as their magic the three line magic gather in the center and turned into a bit big ball of magic with their magic colors mix and one white magic went to Pinkie's head and it made a bright light as all the girls covered their eyes with their hooves and the bright light fade away "did it work?"ask shinertwiner "only one way to find out" bloom said "yeah, but we need to wait for her when she wake up"sparkle said and flew down to twilight's chair and so did diamond and bloom did the same.

*after 4hours*
Four hours has pass and its already night time and pinkie is still a sleep in the crystal table, while the girls was just sitting in the thrown staring in the air bored and quite until scootaloo spoke up "I'm soooo bored!" She said and laid her head in the table "me too. When is pinkie waking up?"ask diamond "I don't even know" bloom said "maybe we cast to much sleeping spell on her"sparkle said "yeah. I really wanna know if she is back to normal I miss the funny and happy pinkie pie" shinertwiner said looking down the table sad, suddenly pinkie move a little and the girls look at her with wide eyes  and pinkie slightly woke up "guys she's waking up" whispered diamond then pinkie fully woke up and her eyes where widen when she saw her self in the castle surrounded by the girls "pinkie?"sparkle ask pinkie then turned around to face sparkle "pinkie are you ok?" Ask scootaloo pinkie turn her head to scootaloo pinkie isn't still talking or anything "guys do you think you put to much?"ask shinertwiner "oh no!maybe we did" bloom said "maybe all of her memories was erased!" Sparkle panicked as the rest gasped shinertwiner then flew right in front of Pinkie's face "PINKIE ARE YOU THERE?!" shinertwiner was scared of loosing ponyville's no.1 party pony, pinkie still didn't spoke up. What the girls don't know that pinkie still had all of her memories and other thing too they don't know that spells don't match her much. 'Ooohh!! Looks like I can play tricks on this girls here. They don't know that I still have my memories and spells won't work on me. Haha this is going to be great!' Pinkie thought to herself 'and maybe I can pretend that I don't know them. YES!!' she thought again and finally spoke up "w-whose pinkie?" She ask pretending she's scared and don't know anything, the girls gasp "TOO MUCH SPELL!!! TOO MUCH SPELL!!!" Shouted sparkle "who are you all? And where am I?" Pinkie ask again still pretending "what are we going to do?!" Bloom start to panic too.

Does Pinkie have a plan on how to kill the girls? Found out on the up coming chapter (you guys probably wondered how I never say anything like that on the other chapters didn't ya? Well I published those chapter at the same time) well I hope ya guys liked it. Next time readers. And by the way black gem is my oc. And I know the pic still had nothing to do with the chap....

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