Chapter 13- Extreme Attacking

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When pinkie woke up she was shock to see herself surrounded by the girls again. She tried to attack but she felt a pain in her side body and she look at her side and saw a bandage with blood at it coming from her wound that was bleeding bad. Pinkamena got a plan to know how she wont feel the pain and get rid of it 'ah yes pinkie I'll let her out so I can heal my self while she feel this pain' Pinkamena thought and closed her eyes. The pink pony fell to the table and slowly opening her eyes "what was that about?" Ask scootaloo pinkie the real pinkie open her eyes full and try to move to but she felt the pain "pinkie! Stop!" Diamond said "huh? G-girls?" She ask and she gasp "girls pls help me!" She said " and why would we do that?!" Sparkle ask " yeah! We won't help you!" Diamond said "girls pls! The evil me named Pinkamena took over me! She wants to kill you!" Pinkie said  "and why should we believe you?!" Ask bloom "pls I'm the real pinkie!" Pinkie said "prove it!" Shinertwiner said "if you won't then we will kill you!" Scootaloo said "how?! Pinkamena know everything too! She's part of me! She knows what I do! She knows where I go and what I eat! She's in my mind!! She will know everything!!!" Pinkie explain " I can't prove anything, she can use me again and if you try to test her by asking what you like what year were you born. She can answer correctly" pinkie added "there's no escaping Pinkamena" pinkie said sounding like she was getting weak she then felt her wound was gone and she again fall asleep but not to long she woke up again "pinkie?" Ask shinertwiner pinkie stand up "hello again girls! Oh were you looking for pinkie? She's gone again its me Pinkamena the one and only" Pinkamena said "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO PINKIE?!" shinertwiner ask angrily to Pinkamena that she was about to attack her but the rest stopped her "oh I just lock her up" Pinkamena said "lock her up?" Ask sparkle "oh yes I lock her deep in my mind that only I can go there... If you try going in and save her you won't take it" Pinkamena said "what do you mean?!" Ask scootaloo "there's full of blood,body parts and dead ponies there" Pinkamena "heh. Is this a joke?! That will be impossible!"diamond said "oh it is possible for a pony like me" Pinkamena said then she jump out off of the table and walk towards the girls as they walk backwards "ya know you girls look-" Pinkamena said licking her lips "look what?!" Ask bloom "delicious" Pinkamena said and start attacking the girls. Pinkamena went to sparkle, as sparkle was about to shot her with lightning bolt but Pinkamena got to her first and she kicked sparkle hard as sparkle hit the bookshelves hard while some books fall out. Sparkle fell asleep and Pinkamena then ran over to diamond which she didn't notice Pinkamena was after her then diamond turn around and saw Pinkamena was running after her, diamond was about to shot magic at her but Pinkamena was close enough to her as Pinkamena kick her all the way to the wall, diamond tried to move but she couldn't move from all the pain that Pinkamena gave her so she just closed her eyes. All that was left was bloom,shinertwiner and scootaloo, Pinkamena turn to them "your turn" Pinkamena said and attacked bloom. Pinkamena was fast like dash that the girls couldn't even catch up with her, bloom tried to attack but Pinkamena got to her as Pinkamena kicked harder than ever. Bloom hit through the table as the table got broke down and bloom hit to the wall, bloom tried to stand up but she couldn't too the pain was too much for her as her visions was getting a little blur. Pinkamena walk right to bloom , bloom saw a blur vision of Pinkamena "ha you three alicorns are so weak than I thought" Pinkamena said now that was all left was shinertwiner and scootaloo "cmon let's get her before she got to us" scootaloo whispered but it was loud enough for Pinkamena to hear, Pinkamena turn to the two pegasus "its your turn" Pinkamena said and ran up to the two pegasus "fly!" Shouted shinertwiner as they flew up "grrr!! Get down here!!" Pinkamena said "hahaha nope" shinertwiner said "yeah what do you think of us? Dumb ponies?" Scootaloo teased, Pinkamena look around to find a way she saw a wood that she could use for the two pegasus that was laughing from the air. She grab the wood and hit scootaloo as she fell down, shinertwiner stop laughing and look at scootaloo "scoot!" Shouted shinertwiner "hehehe looks like its just you and me" Pinkamena said just then shinertwiner attacked Pinkamena but Pinkamena step aside as shinertwiner hit the wall "aw!" She said. Pinkamena walk to her "hehehe don't worry once I'm done with pinkie you will be next" Pinkamena said and hit shinertwiner with the wood she was holding after that Pinkamena drop the wood "now since their asleep I can have my time on killing ponyville" she said and ran outside.

*Outside Ponyville*
Pinkamena walk around ponyville "hmmm well since they don't wanna come out I will MAKE them come out!" Pinkamena said and look around to find something that can break house parts, luckily she found a metal that she could use "ah! This should do" she said and grab the metal. Pinkamena went to a house and hit it, she keep hitting it until a pony came out running and screaming. Pinkamena went to another house and did the same thing to the first one, she broke it and two ponies went out running and screaming too she kept doing it to each houses while ponies ran around panicking and screaming. Pinkamena look around and she was happy to see tons of ponies around "ah finally you guys came out!" Pinkamena said and grab a pony and pull out a knife from her straight and flat mane and buried the knife through the ponies chest as blood poured all over Pinkamena and the pony. Not too long she had kill 10 ponies and kept doing it "YES!! More powers and energy!" She yelled so happily knowing she was having powers and starting to float to the air while she was glowing in a color of red and black.

*Back at the castle with the girls*
When Pinkamena went out sparkle woke up "ugh! My head" she said and held her head with her hoof. Sparkle look around to find the rest was sleeping in pain, sparkle went to diamond "hey diamond wake up" sparkle said while shaking diamond "huh? What? Ah! My head!" Diamond said "you ok?" Sparkle ask "yeah... What happen?" Diamond ask back "pinkie had escape. We need to wake up the rest" sparkle said. They both went to the rest and wake them up "w-what happen?" Ask bloom "pinkie beat us up and she got away" sparkle answer back "ugh! My head and my wings hurts!" Scootaloo said "me too" shinertwiner said "we need to-" sparkle was about to finish her sentence but she was cut off when they all hear ponies screaming "what was that?!" Ask diamond "oh no! This is not good!" Sparkle said "what do you mean?!" Ask scootaloo "pinkie might have attacked everypony!" Sparkle said as the rest gasp "well what are we waiting for?! Let's save them!" Bloom said and they all ran out side.

Ok hi! Forgot to mention that pinkie I mean Pinkamena always kept a knife in her mane even her mane is... Straight or flat... So next chapter will be me and my friends role play will start so see ya guys!! And I know I already used that pic below I ran out of Pinkie's pics...

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