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"Hey canary, what's for training today?" Robin walked over as canary and green arrow where talking to each other entering the mountain. She turned to them and they noticed the large bandaged cut that was across her forehead and another nip on her jawline while her arm was bandaged up.

"No training today, sorry guys," she sighed as arrow had some bruises on his face and his wrist wrapped up and split lip.

"Whoa what happened?" Kid flashed raced to them with wide green eyes.

"Ambush," they both said flatly.

"Doesn't sound like an ambush," Robin said flatly frowning.

"It's nothing Robin, don't worry about it," canary smiled at him as he look at her gash with a glare.

"It was a sword?" He frowned. "Katana?"

"How'd you know?" Kid flash asked impressed.


"Oh right..."

"Guys it's nothing for you, just some really bad guys that we're trying to figure out," arrow sighed softly.

"Powers?" Robin asked.

"Aliens, cyborg thing, and meta humans I think," green arrow listed unamused.

"Meta humans? What kind?" Artemis crossed her arms.

"The sniper is a speedster and another I couldn't even see, it was all to fast," canary sighed shuttering at the memory. "It's not the first time this has happened either,"

"Another speedster? Really?" Wally asked amazed with wide eyes stepping closer.

"Wally no," canary glared.

"How old? Is he like super old?" Wally asked quickly.

"They're all teens, the speedster is fifteen," arrow smirked at him. "Tough shits they are,"

From the zeta beam, batman emerged from the light with a stone cold glare.

"Batman are you okay?" Robin asked worriedly of his mentor. "Are we going out for patrol tonight to find the guys?"

"No," batman snapped harshly.

"This is not a team any of you will be fighting, no one is to look into Voltron," he snarled as he held his arm slightly in pain.

"So your just going to let them roam wherever without anyone looking for them?" Conner scoffed at him.

"Bats, we can help, Wally could take down the speedster, Conner can take down the cyborg, Megan can take down the aliens and aqualad too, artemis can take down the meta human or slow it down, this is what you trained us for," Robin stepped forward with a hand on his chest sincerely.

"I said no," batman glared at him.

"Batman, listen-" "I said no! This is not a mission for children and sidekicks!" Batman grabbed Robin by the arms sneering at him making everyone jump.

"These are not just teenagers looking for trouble," batman said in a low tone as Robin was close to his face with wide eyes. "They're crazy as the fucking joker, smart, and strong, they are dangerous Robin,"

"Okay," Robin whispered as batman put him down. He rubbed his arms and walked back to Wally who was worried of his friend.

"Let's go guys, I think Megan's calling us," Robin walked away tugging at Wally as Artemis stood there for a second but Conner nudged her slightly as batman rubbed his arm again in pain.

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