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"Yea I mean I don't get why we have to fight, your pretty cool man," Lance shrugged as he and Wally where at a burger joint and they both had two double cheese burgers and fries, Wally had a strawberry shake while Lance had chocolate.

"Well everyone says your monsters and crazy killers but like we have so much in common, speed for one," Wally agreed with his mouth full of fries.

"How'd you get your powers?" Lance asked.

"Same as flash, you?"

"Born with it," Lance smirked. "But wasn't all sunshine and rainbows so I won't say lucky me,"

"We cool right?" Wally asked. Lance shrugged nodding.

"Yea why not, not many of us are out there man," he grinned and Lance nodded smirking.

"You will walk!" A hand slapped him across the face.

"Yea we have to stick together," Lance smiled kindly.

"So what's your name anyways? Pretty sure I don't want to call you KF forever," Lance chuckled as he dipped his fries in his shake.

"Wally, you?"

"Lance," he shrugged.

"Wow I didn't expect you to tell me, got some trust?" Wally chuckled as he took a large bit of a burger.

"Had hard times, flash was my icon before I was taken, just don't make me regret telling you then my teams going to get pissed and I don't really want to go back to the streets before I met them an-" "dude, your secrets safe with me, besides, how many lances are in the world, a lot, just don't tell your team about me," Wally cut him off and Lance smiled gently at him as it was 1 in the morning and no one was around them, Lance took off his good as Wally pulled off his mask like a hood.

"Oh we already know all your names, including all of justice league, and batmans and robins, green is our master mind, the guy in the chair," Lance shrugged sipping his drink.

"Why'd you ask then?" Wally snorted.

"Casual conversation, just a little normal," Lance smirked.

"As your a villain having a midnight snack with a hero," Wally cackled.

"That's as normal as it's going to get dude," they fist bumped smiling.

Suddenly Lance heard his team in an ear piece as he listened in but his eyes widen when he heard Robin and could tell something was about to go down.

"I'll be right back," Lance said quickly and before Wally could blink he was gone.

"Oh he's really fast..."


"Your right, that's why I wouldn't want to make an alliance with you!" Robin yelled back throwing a bird-a-rang at Pidge.

Her eyes widen slightly but a blur of blue passed her and soon the girl was gone. Robin gasped as he ducked a bullet from behind them and saw Lance holding Pidge and a gun raised at him.

"You missed," he smirked as Pidge held onto him tightly around his neck due to the speed.

Robin glared at them but gasped when someone grabbed him and slammed the youngest hero onto the ground. He looked up to see raging yellow eyes and sharpe teeth.

"Don't touch her," Keith snarled as Shiro charged at Conner.

"Get her out of here," Allura commanded and Lance nodded as he held onto Pidge racing off.


"Hey can you watch her? She has work and I don't trust her to not get in a fight here," Lance stopped in front of Wally as Pidge looked at him.

"You had a snack with him?" She looked at Lance flatly as she was set down.

"Hey wait what's going on?" Wally stood up.

"Robin threw his bird a rang at me, hell broke loose," Pidge sat down and took out her lap top and her hand swiped up for a small hologram to appear next to her with codings on it.

"Aw your just the baby of the family aren't you?" Wally cooed.

"Just our baby sister~" Lance hugged her only to be smacked away.

"Watch her, don't piss her off, catch ya later walls," Lance saluted with two fingers and sped away back to the fight.

"So your robins age right?" Wally looked at her as she adjusted her glasses and typed away.

"Yea, only like four months apart he's older," she didn't look up.

"So you know my identity?" He asked curiously.

"Have for like a year now, same with everyone else, it's easy cause half the time I just have to look at a newspaper to figure it out, super man? He's so full of himself if he's basically making himself look like the heroic prick he is," she rolled her eyes but didn't look away from the computer.

"So-" "look, I'm glad we're not fighting but your just as bad as blue with the Chatty Cathy," Pidge glared at him.

"Oh your one of the mean short ones..."

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