Pity or allies?

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Lance panted softly as he held his ribs in pain hiding behind a door in a room hearing voices yelling orders. Batman contacting the league.

"Holy-" Lance wheezed seeing another hero, it was a black haired girl who looked younger than him but still a teenager as well.

"Shh, please," Lance didn't recognize her from the battles but she looked just as scared as him but Lance closed the door anyways.

"What the f-" "I'm not going to hurt you I promise, please just shh," Lance whispered with wide eyes sinking to the floor hugging his arms as his nails dug into his skin a little with his heals rocking.

"Are you okay?" She set down a magazine and crawled over hearing the others searching. She had no idea who he was or what he was doing here, they never let strangers in.

"I-I don't know, what-what are they going to do to me if they find me?" He whispered as the girl sat next to him leaning on the door.

"Where did you come from?" The girl smiled gently but it didn't relax him.

"I-I'm part of Voltron," Lance whispered.

"Trial... Asylum maybe if you plead insanit-" "NO!" Lance screamed but covered his mouth as he looked at the door but back at the girl with his chest heaving faster now.

"No no no, don't send me there again," his hands trembled as he gripped his hair. "I just want my friends, I want my family,"

"I know what you mean," she smiled again.

"I'm zatanna," the black haired girl held out her hand but Lance didn't take it. She reached up gently and grabbed his hand from his hair and shook it lightly.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you either," zatanna smiled.

"Take some deep breaths, you'll hyperventilate if you keep this up, do you have powers?" Zatanna asked gently.

"Speed, I'm fast- wait no I-I- no please I'm sorry, no I'm not a meta human," Lance blinked rapidly but zatanna held his hands tightly.

"Then defiantly slow down, don't worry you just need to calm down," zatanna smiled as Lance held onto her hand. She was a total stranger as he rather be comforted by his friends but she was the closest thing to comfort for now by her kindness.

"Thank you," Lance gulped as she helped him up.

"I'm Lance by the way," he chuckled waving himself off as he rubbed his face.

"Nice to meet you... So what did you do? Your a bad guy right?" Zatanna blushed softly at him smiling.

"Stole a few things, killed a lot of people, kicked ass all the time," Lance tried to crack a joke and she paled.

"Your kidding right?" She said flatly.

"Actually no, that's what Voltron does," he chuckled shaking his head.

"Voltron? Oh yea... Huh, your not that scary," zatanna stood up and offered him a hand but Lance winced in pain holding his side.

"Thanks," he rasped smiling through the pain.

"Your really hurt, why are you smiling?" She helped him to her bed.

"Not the worst thing that's happened to me, it's just a scratch and probably be healed in an hour," Lance gulped as he caught his breath.

"Any possible way I could escape and never come back?" He asked sweetly batting his blue eyes at her.

"You know I can't do that," she crossed her arms smirking.

"It was worth a shot," he sighed glancing at the door.

"Zatanna!" A voice yelled as if on que making Lance jumped and disappeared as the door swung open and Robin ran in with wide eyes under his mask.

"What what?!" She scrambled to her feet looking at him confused.

"Okay so we went on a mission and kinda captured a really bad dude and now we lost him, bats says he should still be in the mountain but not sure for how long, he's injured but he's a speedster so it won't last long," Robin said in one breath and zatannas blue eyes widen surprised.

"You went on a mission without me..." She said flatly and he laughed nervously.

"Sorry, have you seen anyone that's not us though?" Robin asked and she looked out the door not seeing Lance anywhere.

"No, how the hell did you guys loose a bad guy?" She huffed placing her hands on her hips.

"He slipped away?" He shrugged slowly, zatanna sighed shaking her head.

"I'll be right out, give me a minute," she pushed him out and closed the door.

"You didn't rat me out?" Lance was shaking slightly as he walked out of her closet and distress was written on his face.

"Don't give me a reason too," she swirled her hands up from below her waist and in a cloud of smoke she was in a magicians outfit.

"Please don't," Lance grabbed her hand. "I'm... I'm so confused zatanna, please help me," he had tears escaping down his cheeks and she looked at him sadly, she wrapped her arms around him tightly as she could hear lances rapid heart beat as she could hear how scared he was.

"There's a pool that leads to the outside if your fast enough and can hold your breath long enough, it's in the garage where Conner usually is with Megan, and pet wolf," zatanna told him softly and Lance hugged his torso to protect his ribs.

"It's down the hall to the kitchen and go through the door closest to the couches, you'll find your way there, be carful and you didn't hear from me," zatanna whispered rubbing his arm feeling how he trembled looking at the door, at the risk.

"And if it fails? I'm caught?" Lance shook.

"It's taken you this many years to finally get caught, your smart Lance, just get back to your friends and don't make me regret this," zatanna gulped as her hands touched the door and he nodded.

As soon as zatanna opened the door she felt a cold breeze from behind and didn't even see Lance disappear in the halls but could feel the wind.

"Is he even faster than flash?"

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