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"Guys..." Robin called to his friend with wide eyes as his computer shut down but reloaded on its own in a green screen but one word appeared on the front.


"Should I answer? They replied and want to contact?" Robin asked bewildered. They where about to face the monsters that have fought against their mentors, the people who freed the worst villains, saved the damned, but have almost killed heroes. It was like a villains hero. A villains hope.

"Kaldur should talk to them, he is our leader," Wally motioned to the quiet boy across the living room who watched calmly.

"I'm sure they will already know who we all are," he told his team with his pale blue eyes staring at them.

He walked over and sat where Robin was before as he scooted to the side to be out of the view. Everyone sat near or on the other couch interested in who they will be soon speaking too.

"Greeting Voltron," kaldur finally spoke when a image came up, it was a girl with white hair and dark skin in a pink suit.

"Hello aqualad, you contacted us?" She smiled kindly at him with her perfect white teeth. Robin examined the woman, she was young, but he knew that she was a alien due to the marks on her face and how her pupils where not black, they where pink in the center of her bright blue iris's.

"You don't seem surprised by it is not one of the justice league members," he stated looking at her.

"I am, but I'm not disappointed, your mentors get boring and predictable," Allura said calmly but saw some of the team of young heroes heads popping in the screen curious behind their leader.

"Our teams are more alike than you think, a intelligent young friend that can't be told no," she smirked and every looked at Robin who glared at the screen.

"A talkative flirtatious speedster," Wally paled as he wasn't even near kaldur, he was on the other couch.

"One that was once a project but personally is no where near a digesting science project," Conner almost smirked as she described him, she was right.

"Rage fueled assassin," Artemis snorted to her description but Megan looked at her worriedly.

"I act like an assassin don't I?" She asked the Martian who nodded with her hands clasped in front of her.

"One that is always under estimated but holds a great power," kaldur narrowed his eyes.

"And what else... Oh yea, another alien with powers, see we're not so different kaldur'ahm," Allura hummed smirking as Megan's eyes widen in horror that she was compared to that girl.

"That's not what I'm asking of," kaldur glared.

"I'm not agreeing to another meeting, not after your book club went back on their word," Allura now was annoyed with a glare and a stern look.

"I mean no disrespect of contacting you, I was not informed of the arrangement," kaldur nodded at her.

"I'm not falling for that, and I'm not risking another set up because you heroes don't play your own rules," her accent got thicker as she got angrier.

"I apologize, that was foolish of them, I promise I would not come with my team," kaldur gulped as her unique eyes poured into his soul with a dangerous glare.

"I don't play games, my Paladins will not be tricked by you again," she hissed.

"We know everything kaldur, don't lie,"

"You have my word," kaldur looked at her with no expression. They where quiet for a while, Allura studied the antlantian while moments passed by and the young league began to get worried.

"No, bring your team, only the six of you, and I will bring my six, I hope we can have a civil arrangement?" Allura smiled again.

"I agree," kaldur nodded with a small relieved sigh.

"Meet us by the docs where the justice league tried this arrangement, no tricks," she leaned back in the chair she rested in.

"Of course,"

"Oh and kaldur, don't tell the league about this hang out, it'd be ashame for something to happen to your king," and with that the screen blacked out once again as kaldur clenched his fist at her last words.

"Are we really following the arrangement?" Lance asked Allura as she turned to them satisfied.

"Of course, what are we? Animals?" she shrugged as Shiro chuckled softly.

"We can handle ourselves," Shiro smirked.

"We make the good guys look bad," Allura stood up.

"We're bad guys, it's what we do," Lance snickered standing next to Shiro.

"If anything, Lance is the crazy one," Pidge nudged him as Keith raised an eye brow.

"He's not crazy, he's delusional," Keith smirked just a little.

"Pretty sure it's from all those carbs," hunk teased.

"Okay okay yea yea pick on the guy who may be  actually insane with mental problems," Lance wrapped an arm around Keith smirking.

"I've had enough shock therapy to prove it," he whispered in Keiths ear.

"And that's why we give you the gun," Keith smiled pushing him off.

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