Getting in

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Keith had his hood up covering most of his head but he looked up with his indigo eyes while his skin was human and pale, his stripe on his cheek was still dark purple but his hair was only black now without its red under. He watched a school empty out children as the day ended and his eyes landed on two teens. Dick Grayson and Artemis Crock.

He smirked a little recognizing them easily. Keith followed Artemis as Dick got into a limo when she walked down the street of Gotham city. He followed down the streets and saw her turn down an alley way. He waited a few minutes and crawled on the otherside of the building as he went up the ladder to the roof top.

Keith pulled his hood down as he looked over the other edge where Artemis went down the alley but saw no one.

"It's rude following people, it's strange when you go on the roof to find them," a girls voice said behind him and Keith felt a knife poke his back.

"Someone I know would say something along the lines of 'you must be happy to see me'," Keith stood up straight and looked over seeing Artemis glaring at him.

"How'd you know where to find me?" She hissed.

"Using your name as your alter ego is stupid on your part," Keith glared back and grabbed his blade from his back and kicked hers away as he held his to her neck.

"What the fuck are you?" Artemis put her hands up seeing his eyes turn into slits with yellow in the back and his sneer showed his sharp canine teeth.

"Where's blue?" He growled in a low tone but Artemis kicked him in the chest and rolled grabbing her knife but as she spun around their blades collided.

"Your getting nothing from me," Artemis spat but her eyes widen seeing Keiths knife turn into a sword.

"That's cheating," she said flatly but cried out when he punched her across the face.

"So is mind games," he looked over her as Artemis looked up at him from the ground.

"Now I'll ask you again," he grabbed her by the school uniform. "Where. Is. Lance?"

"I can't tell you!" She yelled at him.

"So you rather die then tell me where my teammate is?" He spat.

"Your an assassin, you know the deal," she scoffed but he shook her with a snarl as he pinned her to the ground.

"Is this the part for a hot make out?" Artemis rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"Sorry princess, your not my type," he glared.

"It's the blond?" She laughed lightly.

"It's the female," Keith smirked back and Artemis raised a brow but smirked as she grabbed his head and rammed her forehead against his.

Keith grunted as she pushed him off and scrambled to their feet while Keith held his sword with a white knuckle grip.

"Just tell me!" He yelled.

"Should've killed me when you have the chance," Artemis smirked.

"Don't sell yourself short now, I got friends," Keith glared.

"More like connections red," a voice said sarcastically and Artemis paled dropping the knife.

"Hey sis," Cheshire waved as she was behind Artemis but walked over the Keith as she used his as an arm rest.

"Jade you got to be kidding me," Artemis shook her head. "Your with voltron?"

"Not with but I do owe them a few, you got the justice league to help you, we got no one but guess someone steps up once in a while," Cheshire crossed her arms.

"How do I get in the mountain without setting of the alarms?" Keith asked.

"Or what?" Artemis glared at the two.

"Do your friends know of your family tree?" Cheshire said amused as Artemis could tell she was smirking under the mask.

"Your bluffing," Artemis scoffed.

"I know who boy wonder is, we know a lot more than you, either you tell me or I swear to god I'll let myself in and blood will shed," Keith sneered but cried out when Cheshire hit the butt of her sai on the back of his head and he fell unconscious.

"I love his passion but family first, you want him?" Cheshire looked at Artemis as she was shocked but got up.

"Bats is going to love this," Artemis sighed looking up at the sky and let out a groan.


"What the fuck art," Robin looked at her unamused as she dragged in Keith as he was tied up around the wrists.

"You got red..?" Wally blinked surprised.

"Tried to take me down but I clocked him in the head with my heal," she panted as she dropped him on the ground.

"My guess, they're coming for blue now, and there's a lot more coming," Artemis looked at her team.

"We don't have any cells for him, do we put him and Lance together but chain them up?" Conner asked confused as there was no adults around.

"Lance is a speedster and he's an alien, I'm guessing with strength and Lance can vibrate his molecules, chains won't do shit," Wally sighed pursing his lips.

They heard Keith groan as his eyes slowly opened but snapped open all the way as he rolled to his feet looking at the heroes.

"You and your sister are more alike than I thought, fucking liars," Keith spat but saw Conner about to attack but he ducked and head butted him in the nose and elbowed him in the throat.

Conner growled and punched him in the jaw with his strength but before Keith hit the ground the large fist slammed into his stomach.

He gasped for air falling to his knees with his hands still together.

"Conner Jesus that could've killed a normal human," Robin cried out as Keith was still wheezing for a second.

He glared slowly getting to his feet as his skin melted into light purple and easily snapped the material around his wrists.

"Your not the only half alien here freak," Keith snarled and charged at Conner grabbing the knife from his boot with a roar.

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