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Lance woke up hearing yells and cries. He sat up on the bed he was given as he saw Conner fighting a figure but they opened the barrier that held Lance and threw the figure in with a grunt as the rest of the young justice league ran in.

"Stay down," Artemis snarled at him running to the edge of the barrier.

"Oh you want me to cry?" Keith wiped the blood from his busted lip.

"Keith?!" Lance screamed and used his speed to get to his side immediately.

"This isn't exactly the rescue mission i had in mind," Keith panted as Conner had blood running down his nose and mouth while there where bruises coloring his face. Artemis pulled him away as

"Conner are you okay?" Megan ran in as Lance held Keith in his arms as the galra didn't get off the ground and Keith laid against Lance catching his breath with a snarl.

"Like a damn animal," Conner held his arm as there was claw marks as they left to care for conners wounds.

"That's my boy," Lance smirked.

"Are you okay?" He whispered against Keiths hair as he held him tightly.

"I'll live," Keith grunted as they got to their feet.

"How are you?" Keith looked up at him as Lance helped him to the bed and sat him there.

"I'm okay," Lance smiled as he found Keiths hand and gripped it softly. "I'm happy in all that you came for me but your stupid for getting caught,"

"Cheshire turned on me for Artemis," Keith shrugged and his breath hitched when he took a deep breath.

"Let me see," Lance whispered and Keith let him take his own jacket and shirt off. Lance winced seeing the bruises surrounding Keiths body. Large black and purple bruises scattered on his ribs and stomach and on his back, some on his arms and a large one on his cheek.

"Clone of super man? Really? That's who you choose to fight?" Lance sighed as Keith looked down closing his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispered and lances face softened.

"Don't, I'm glad you still tried, I'm glad it's you," Lance wrapped his arms around Keith and held his head to his chest as Keith held onto him tightly.

"I missed you," Keith whispered against his shirt and Lance held him tighter.

"I know mullet," Lance kissed his forehead softly and looked down at him.

Lance got on the bed next to him as his back leaned against the wall but watched Keith lay down with his head against his lap and gripped lances pants in his fist. Lance smiled and ran his fingers through Keiths hair gently as he watched the purple of his skin fade out into pale skin.

"I should've been prepared," Keith whispered as he swallowed a lump in his throat. "Now who knows what's going to happen, we could die,"

Lance laughed a little at him and scratched behind his ear and felt Keith shiver and a purr echoed softly.

"We're not going to die, I won't let that happen, I promise," he smiled and looked up as he saw canary watching them from the door way. Lance felt his smile drop as Keiths breath evened out to falling asleep.

"What do you want now?" Lance hissed at her as she walked over.

"Congrats you got two out of six," he rolled his eyes.

"He attacked Artemis," canary said flatly.

"And her big ol sister Cheshire attacked him, don't worry I'll shot you in the ear from the side instead of the heads up right in front of him," Lance shot back.

"He's hurt, just let him sleep and leave us alone," he glared at her as he slowly held Keiths hand as he slept, or maybe passed out?

"Because we didn't know it'd be so soon someone would try to rescue you, attacking our own," canary sighed shaking her head.

"Wow I wonder what's that's like," Lance gasped sarcastically.

"I'm saying because your being transferred somewhere else, in the mountain is to dangerous," she narrowed her eyes and Lance squeezed his hand.

"Transferred where?" He asked.

"Arkham, they'll help you Lance, I know you've had a troubled past-" "no please don't, don't send me to another asylum," Lance said with wide eyes and slowly got up for Keiths head to lay on the bed.

"I-I- you don't know what the last asylum did to me canary, I-I can't," he walked to the barrier by canary as she looked at him darkly.

"Th-the organization will find me there, they think I'm dead but they have connections, they'll take me again," Lance pleaded with tears stinging his eyes.

"I'm sorry but you'll be safe in Arkham, no one gets in or out without precautions," canary said gently and Lance shook his head frantically.

"You might as well kill me!" Lance snapped. Keith jumped awake and saw the two. Lance looked back at his boyfriend and crossed his arms looking down.

"Find the organization and look up file B0948, you'll know everything then," Lance whispered and Keiths eyes widen.

"Lance no-" "what's the file? How do I know it's not a trap?" Canary cut Keith off holding up her hand. Lance glared at her and pulled up his sleeve showing a scar. A branding.


"You'll know everything, you have to promise you take down the organization if you find them, don't give me back to them, take them down Dinah," Lance kept his head down as tears slipped down his face. "There's still kids there, my friends are still there,"

"... The transfer won't be for another week or so... I'll see what I can do," she sighed shaking her head and walked away quickly covering her mouth as Keith slipped his hands into lances and pulled him close.

"Three days, then they're coming in guns blazing," Keith whispered against his shoulder and Lance smiled softly.

"Keep playing sob story, it'll stall," Lance nodded with a smirk and Keith reached up and kissed his nose a little knowing it'll put a smile on lances face. Lance laughed a little and wrapped his arms around Keiths shoulders and kissed his forehead.

"They're all going to pay," Lance whispered in his ear and Keith smiled.

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