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Lance raced through the halls but as he turned the corner from the living room he cried out in pain skidding to a stop but fell and rolled across the ground whimpering in pain holding his ribs.

"Come on," He growled pushing himself against the wall and ripped off the bandages to expose his chest as there was dark bruises scattered and old scars as well on his rich tan skin.

"Almost healed," he panted smirking darkly looking around.

"Almost there," he inhaled deeply and charged again down the halls to the garage but zatanna was right, Megan and Conner where there.

Lance narrowed his eyes and twisted his body flipping over them and landed on the ground as the two stared at him with wide eyes.

"Asshole and miss asshole," Lance saluted and was about to run again to the pool seeing the exit but a body slammed into him and crashed Lance against the wall.

"Lance what are you doing man?" Wally whispered worriedly at him as Lance grabbed his arm growling in defense seeing other heroes gathering.

"Your just going to put me in another asylum," he gulped with hurt in his eyes looking at wallys green eyes.

"Says who?" Wally let him go. He looked up at his friends and back at Lance, the ginger nodded his head as Lance took off and Wally followed behind but Lance slowed down enough for them to just 'race' but to actually talk.

"Zatanna said they might, bats and canary know me from when I was an assassin," Lance gulped as they where two blurs.

"What?! Explain please!" Wally looked at him even more confused.

"My childhood was in an asylum and not like American horror story playing the same damn song, I mean actual torture and prison for the meta humans, mental and physical," Lance growled running a bit faster but Wally reached for him so Lance could slow down again.

"We won't let that happen Lance, Arkham isn't like that-" "Wally don't!" Lance stopped quick as Wally slammed into the wall.

He backed away with shaky hands as he heard foot steps behind him and saw zatanna who slowed down seeing the fear spiked back in his eyes.

"Don't let them send me back," Lance trembled as flashbacks of the asylum took over and all he could see was those stone walls and chains and the chair but the dark rooms he was forced it. Alone, abandoned, abused. He couldn't go back now when he had people that wanted him.

"Lance stop!" Canary cried out and batman followed her as he was being surrounded while the other heroes came along.

Lance looked at Bruce as his blue eyes where just as petrified of him since they met all those years ago. It was him.

"Grab him!" Artemis shot an arrow with a net but Lance ducked and was behind her immediately shoved her into Robin before he could reach him.

"Leave him alone!" Zatanna cried out seeing Conner trying to hit him but Lance ducked and dodged all of them only to fall to the ground in screams when Megan had a fearful face while her eyes glowed and hand was extended out to Lance who held his own head in pain.

"Megan!" Wally pulled her back and she gasped with tears running down her face as Lance was sobbing again but Wally ran to him as well as zatanna. She fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around him protectively as Wally stood in front of them.

"Guy back the fuck off!" Zatanna snapped seeing the scars on lances back from year ago as she hugged his head close and rubbed his back gently.

"Zee what are you doing?" Robin crowded with the others but Lance shook violently with quick short breaths while Wally and zatanna tried helping him up to his feet but failed as she whispered in his ear.

"Keeping my promise," Zatanna whispered enough for Lance to hear and he covered his mouth sobbing harshly as Wally glared dangerously. Speedsters stick together.

"I can't go back, I can't, let me go please," lance whispered as zatanna rubbed comforting circles on his back as her fingers combed through his hair.

She gently helped him up but Lance flinched seeing canary as he got out of her arms backing away with his fists up ignoring his swaying.

"Okay, let's talk about this Lance," canary stepped forward making Lance jump away further from the two heroes as she stayed in her spot.

"I-I-I can't, please get away," he gulped trying to hold his stance as he was ready for a fight.

Suddenly as large stern hand grabbed him and Lance looked back seeing superman who looked unamused.

"This is him?" He asked as Lance growled clawing at his hand but it did nothing.

"Let go!" Lance yelled at him kicking and tugging at his arm back.

"Superman put him down!" Wally shouted seeing the rage twisting with fear on lances face.

"I said let go!" Lance began to vibrate until superman let go in pain seeing his hand was severely burned when Lance panted getting away.

"I sa-said..." Lance gasped gripping his chest as he couldn't catch his breath. He lips began to pals out as sweat beat down his head and started to loose focus in his eyes.

"Someone catch it! He's gonna-"

And it went black.

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