Angered escape

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"Shit I think red- err Keith... I think he escaped," Megan pursed her lips walking into the kitchen and everyone stopped what they where doing and ran into the room where the two villains where being held captive and saw Lance sleeping on his side facing them. No Keith.

"What? How?" Kaldur looked for any way he could've escaped.

"Hey Lance wheres Keith?" Zatanna knocked on the partial barrier gently and woke him up. He rubbed his eyes and tapped behind him and Keith sat up with messy hair rubbing his eyes with a small yawn.

"He's here," Lance said flatly as he was barely awake.

"What's going on?" Keith rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he flinched touching the bruises on his face.

"I think little leagues loosing it," Lance smiled and Keith looked at them and snorted.

"Sorry I didn't see him," Megan blushed embarrassed as everyone looked at her unamused. "Or hear him, like his mind,"

"You can't read his mind?" Robin asked flatly.


"Cause I'm galra, and as a soldier we can't be weak physically or mentally, Druids make sure," Keith stood up shaking out his hair.

"The galra..?" Megan whispered and he flashed yellow eyes at her.

"Carefully, mommy dearest may find out and find ya, she's a lot scarier than us," Keith smiled cracking his neck.

"Oh my god I remember when I first met krolia, dude your so small for a galra cause your pops was tall too," Lance laughed dropping his arms against Keiths shoulders and smiled at him as Keith pouted.

"I'm only sixteen," Keith mumbled crossing his arms but Lance kissed the side of his head and walked away putting on his shoes.

"Your cute," Lance winked and looked back at zatanna and Wally with a smile.

"Come on guys lets go," Artemis scoffed at the two as Keith flipped her off.

"At least my family is loyal," she hissed under her breath and Megan put a hand on her shoulder but the two boys heard it.

"Excuse me?" Lance asked confused.

"I said. At least. My family. Is loyal." Artemis snapped at him and everyone backed up.

"What do you mean by that puta tonta?" Lance spat putting his hand on the barrier. Keith said nothing as it was personal to Lance now.

"Artemis lets go," kaldur said sternly.

"No, we went to your family Lance Charles McClain," Artemis stormed towards them.

"Artemis!" Wally grabbed her arm but she yanked it back.

"Leave them alone!" Lance yelled.

"Like he brought my family into this," Artemis pointed at Keith with rage in her eyes.

"Sister dearest Cheshire and I had such a lovely  chat, but I got to say the dumb blond didn't get yo jade I guess," Keith spat.

"What did you do to my family?" Lance hissed as his hands shook and looked fuzzy from vibrating in rage.

"I didn't do shit, no one was home in the first place, we found a cemetery instead," Artemis spat and Lance froze for a moment.

"What the fuck did you say... About my family?" Lance said lowering his head and Wally paled.

"We found your dad though, lives in Miami with no worries and no meta humans," she hit the barrier and Lance looked at her darkly.

"You say I'm a monster?" He laughed to himself. "You let a child abuser run freely, so I'll show you a monster,"

There was a bright blue spark in his eyes for a moment but in a blink of an eye he was gone.

"Oh you fucked up now," Keith whistled and laid on the bed with his hands behind his head.

"Where is he?" Robin looked around frantically.

"He's here, won't leave, either vibrated his molecules fast enough to get through the barrier or he's teleporting again," Keith shrugged closing his eyes.

Then the power went out.

It was pitch black for a few seconds but the back up generators powered up and everything was red and the mountain went on lock down. There was no way in or out.

"Huh, I should thank you for royally pissing him off," Keith sat up as they watched the partial barrier disappear.

"But your all dead," his eyes turned yellow and he leaped off the bed and grabbed the vents with a swing and kicked it open and slid through.

"Artemis what did you do?" Zatanna hid behind Wally looking around.

"I'm sorry I just- I got to angry I..." She looked at them bewildered.

"Can we contact the league?" Conner asked not looking at her.

"No, everything's down," Robin pursed his lips looking at the hologramic screen from his gloves.

"We're stuck..."

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