Springtrap x Reader

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The new environment around you seems to be giving you the chills by the horror attraction, the chilliness causing you to shiver of fear... Or maybe it's just the air from the vents. You found your way to the security office and made yourself comfortable. You settled in and began to look at the monitor. The time said 11:59...so you waited for your shift to began, though you did get bored easily.

Time was going by... Really...... Really..... Reeeaaalllllyyyy... Slow. Like, slower than watching a snail race. You continued to listen to the time tick by... Digitally. But, you heard a low, long growl growing loudly as it echoed in the halls... You dropped the monitor and gave a worried look. You looked down, and patted your stomach.

"Don't worry girl... You will be fed soon," You reassured your stomach since it's been empty for over 5 hours.

Of course... You weren't alone when you said that.

"Dd-don't worry boy... You will be fed s-s-soon too,"

That low static-y voice caused you to jump out of you chair. You looked at the shadowy figure looming over you, the faded, glowing eyes flickering down at you. You were paralyzed, shivering by how his aura gave off a chill to send you goosebumps running up your spine. He smiled, looking at how pathetic and helpless you looked.

"Hehehehehe... Look at y-you. You're helpless. I cc-can see it in your ey-eyes. You're tt-trembling, and ththth-there's nothing you can-can-can do,"

You were indeed trembling. But.. You felt something else besides fear as he was inching towards you. As he was within a few inches away, you began to slide back just enough to kick him up his jaw. He flew back and landed flat on his back. You quickly jumped up from the floor and sprinted towards the door. You were running down the halls, but a red light began flashing. You looked around and you started to see things. As you were running, the walls began to stretch and the hall extended further. Creepy images began to drip and ripple against the walls. You felt like you weren't moving, but just running in place.

Out of nowhere, the air grew colder and the hall grew darker. You turned the corner and entered a room. The room had dirty walls and a foul stench. You try hiding in the far back of the darkest corner and hide in the shadows. But of course... That didn't hide you fast enough from the shadow jumping towards you. The shape was Foxy, but he was more decayed and dirty. His eyes were white, but those eyes grew bigger as he lunged towards you. You screamed and covered your head, expecting to feel the teeth sink into your body... but you felt nothing nor heard the shadowy screech.

You slowly uncovered your head, just enough to peep out of the little opening between your arms. Nothing. He was gone. You quickly sat upright, looking around... But he just...vanished. Of course, with your heavy breathing and heart pounding, Springtrap had no problem finding you. You looked up at him, terrified, but of course... You couldn't run anymore.. He had you trapped in a corner, and another kick couldn't stun him long enough to have you escape.

"You kk-kick pretty good. Of course-course, that just made me more hungry-gry after all that chchasing you around,"

You couldn't move anymore further away from him, he was looming over you once more, having that flickering of his eyes the only light you could see on him. He squated just enough to make sure you could barely lift you legs and close enough so you could feel his breath upon all of your head and neck.

"Y-you are pretty strong and dd-determined. I like ya..." He gave a smile, but since he was close enough, you noticed something off about him. His endo-skeleton looked... Off. You don't know why you did what you did, but you put your hand on his cheek and felt his suit. He started to burn your hand, but you felt hotter, so you kept caressing his cheek. You felt a button on the side and slightly pushed it. His springlock had triggered and the head popped open. He was surprised and backed off of you.

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