Nightmarionne x Reader

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~Once again, thank you FallenDreamer26 for requesting another chapter to continue this story (^-^)~
You walked around Fredbear's Pizzeria, unsure where to go. You traveled away from the party room and away from the people. Suddenly, you heard shuffling coming from the other side of an open door. You peaked around to see the Purple Guy slamming a Fredbear head on someone. Your fear made you imagine him stuffing that person in the suit, considering Fredbear is an animatronic. You backed away in fear, not sure what to do, when suddenly they both turned towards your direction, staring at you with a white glow in their eyes.

Your eyes shot open as you woke up. You didn't move, you just laid there under the covers, shifting only your feet to stay awake.

'great, having a bad dream on Halloween morning?' you thought to yourself.

You turned to lay on your right side, looking at the clock to read in bright red numbers 1:00 A.M.

'Great. Even better. Didn't even get 3 hours of sleep and look where I am,"

You groaned and turned to lay on your stomach, your head still facing the clock. You gave a big, dramatic sigh and felt the urge to use the restroom. You yawned, grabbed your flashlight since turning on the lights would waste electricity, and went to the restroom. Little did you know a certain guest was already waiting for your return.

'Ugh, I really don't want to do anything today considering how my brother and his friends are just going to try and scare me like they always do on Halloween,' you thought to yourself, sitting there resting your head in your hand.

Once you finished your business in the restroom, you walked back to your room, unaware and not caring that there behind you was Nightmare literally ready to jumpscare you, but was in fact shocked you didn't show any acknowledgement to him. He crossed his arms and pouted. You walked in your room and closed the door with you foot. You kicked your closet closed, hitting Nightmare Foxy back, and you slammed the other door surprisingly in Nightmare Bonnie's face.

You slumped and sluggishly dragged yourself to your bed. You sat down and turned off your flashlight. As you got comfy and warm under the covers, you yawned deeply and stretched. You let your arms swing you to turn on your left side. You turned and saw a menacing face staring right back at you, the white irises casted a menacing shadow over their just as menacing smile. You immediately punched and slapped the face and kicked them off the bed, squirming and screaming. You grabbed your flashlight as you now are standing with the covers all over the floor.

The figure that was once on the floor on the other side of your bed slowly rose, showing the dark, skinny, terrifying figure they have. The teeth may have not been more than yours, but they were all pointed-looking and you felt intimidated. The tilt in its head looked like a glitching twitch. It's speed made it inches away from you, making you hold your breath.

"Well well-l weeelll. Look what w-we have here," it's voice's pitch was much deeper and terrifying, like a nightmare.

You felt yourself trembling in fear; with very few details, they made you horrified. Soon, you felt their ribbon-like finger run up your cheek, you felt yourself hyperventilating then suddenly screaming, squeezing your eyes shut, tears forming. It pulled it's hand away. It's smile still remained there, but there was a sudden sadness in their voice.

"H-huh? Why-y are you scre-screaming? You have noth-nothing to fear-ear"

You still were whimpering, not opening your eyes, your face in your hands. You felt them shuffle to sit beside you.

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