Nightmare Mangle x Reader

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~Thank you FallenDreamer26 for requesting the Halloween editions!~
(Again a male reader, and has some mature content 👀❗)

It was Halloween Eve. You were ready for bed as you laid down and set your alarm for 6 A.M. It was 11:59 and all that has happened... boy, you remember so much that those memories could cause you nightmares. You shook your head and laid on your side. Your eyes suddenly felt heavy. As they closed you felt so relax and ready to rest. You sighed and let yourself lose focus on everything happening around you.


Your eyes sprung open and a sudden tremble filled your body.

'that crash... Shouldn't have happened. It's too late at night and that was too loud,'

You slowly turned to see your doors. Both were closed, so you were able to feel slightly better. The moonlight was not white but yellow, which means the moon was low, so the glow casted a darker more menacing aura in your room. You quickly but quietly uncovered yourself and grabbed your flashlight.

You made your way to the right door of your room. You pressed the side of your head slightly against it, listening to the halls. You didn't hear anything, but as soon as you were moving your head away from the door, a heavy footstep came from the other side of your room. You spun around, shining your light to the left door. It was slightly opened. A shadow moved away from the door, showing that they backed off. You slowly crept to the door, and before you flashed your light to see what's out there, you heard a creaking sound, like rusted metal, from behind you. You closed the left door and flashed your light turning around. Your closet door was the door that moved now.

'what is this..? Am I living a Halloween curse?' you thought, considering the fact it's technically Halloween.

Your hands were shaky, and you slowly approached the closet. Once you reached it, you were right in front of the doors. You flashed the light and a big, metal, and mangled head screeched at you. You yelled and tried to close the door, but you couldn't as you saw their head rising. You dropped the flashlight and backed up quickly. The light made the shadows on their body look terrifying. The laugh they gave off was broken and low. Soon, the whole figure was standing outside your closet. It's body was entirely metal, but another head was sticking out of it's neck, both having razor sharp teeth. The body was hunched backwards, and there was an extra leg behind.

You began hyperventilating, and soon, it went down on all 5, and ran towards you, screaming. You screamed as well and brought your arms up and covered your face.

"Ha ha h-h-haaa ha! H-Happy Hallow-Halloween," the voice sounded like a broken record, but had a distorted female voice to it.

You opened one of your eyes to see them smiling. You noticed that one of their eyes was missing and little by little you recognized each detail that reminded you of-

"Mangle!!" You yelled as you jumped and gave her a big hug.

"Well hello aga-again. It's b-b-been quite some tttime," her smile, still creepy, seemed to widen.

"Wow.. what happened to you? You are killing that new look for today.." you nervously said.

"W-well... I didn't g-get to decide this d-d-design. I wanted to l-look like a princess," she chuckled, but more sad.

You felt the pity and nervously placed a hand on her cheek. The other head swung over and rubbed against your cheek, like a little pup. You looked at the details of her design.

"What.. happened to you? You have an extra leg, an extra head, and your body is all metal and no white fur," (Considering the previous Mangle wasn't actually mangled, heh)

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