Chapter 10

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As the Sethy-Mobile pulled up into the drive, a tall blond man strode out of the Christian Retreat's door. He was dressed in black priest's robes, which glaeamed in the Sun, and his white priest's collar provided a nice contrast.

The two quickly scrambled out of the Seth-Mobile, wanting to impress this boii. Francesco quickly checked his shirt for any bolonaise stains, while Filippo smoothed down the creases in his Dolce and Gabbana jeans.

As the boii spoketh, a calm silence seemed to fall upon the area, birds halted mid-song. A bright halo appeared uponeth his head.

"Welcome to the Christian Retreat, my name is Father Sethy-boii, and I will be guiding you through your route to enlightenment." Although the tone he used was calm and quiet, something in his voice seemed to command attention, even the worms in the ground had stopped doing whatever it is worms do, the fleas in the cats stopped eating. All were silent. Listening to the words of Seth-boii- the father.

"Come, follow me, and I will show you to your rooms." Both doggedly followed Father Seth into the retreat, and ascended up the ancient spiral staircase, along a corridor, and stopped at an old oak door.

"This will be your room. I hope you don't mind that you will be sharing." Sethy-boii said. Neither of the Gabba Bros answered Sethy-boii, only gave a nod of acknowledgement.

As soon as Sethy-boii left their presence, the spell seemed to have been broken, and they both stood, shocked at the power that the majestic blond had held over them.

The room was left in a natural state. There was two sets of bunk-beds, drained in a dark wood shade. You could feel the clairvoyant vibrations in the very structure of the room.

Francesco entered the room and scanned his surroundings. Suddenly the fact that he hadn't seen Lottie in... two days hit him like a bolt of lightning.

He started sobbing uncontrollably. Filippo had never seen Francesco cry like this before, he sprinted out of the room on his athletic Italian legs, hoping to find Sethy-boii, and that he could find some comfort for his brother.

Francesco heard the sound of the door creaking over his Italian sobs, and then heard a voice.
"Are you ok?" He turned around to see, looking concerned, (Y/N).

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