Chapter 21

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All was silent in the Gabbani Clubhouse. The only noise that (Y/N) heard nowadays was the sound of Francesco and Filippo eating their favourite comfort meal, carbonara.

That was what they had been doing for the past 24 hours- cooking carbonara, eating it, and then cooking some more carbonara.

(YN) was tired of this. All they wanted was for Francesco and Filippo (especially Francesco tho) to be happy. They decided to try and comfort them using thier newfound knowledge from The Christian Retreat, and from Sethy-boii himself.


(Y/N) carefully lit the scented candles, making sure to use The Three Holy Scents- Burnt Wire, Petrol (with added Carcinogens) and finally, the Holiest Scent of The Sethy-boii. There were many scents of Sethy-boii, and this was the most Holy.

Once the candles were lit, and the smells had perforated all through the Gabbani Clubhouse, (Y/N) entered the pasta room. Both the Gabba-bros had fallen into a sort of trance upon smelling The Sethy-Scents (©2018 Heather North).

Suddenly, and simultaneously, the brothers started chanting the Holy Words of The Boii.

"We are Proud To Belong to The Christian Retreat,

We are Proud to Belong to Sethy-boii, 

We are proud to be... Audley's Angels."

(Y/N) smiled. This was how they knew that the healing words of The Boii were working.

Then the brothers started singing the absolute banger that is Occidentali's Karma. Hopefully this meant that the brothers had found peace.

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