Chapter 19

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(Y/N) toured the halls of the Gabba-clubhouse, they'd already looked around the spacious living area, and most importantly, taught how to work the Gabba-mobile's sophisticated technology.

As (Y/N) looked around the house, the scars that Lottie had left behind became apparent. Whole rooms had clearly been left untouched since her unexpected departure. Lottie's possessions were still scattered morosely through the house.

(Y/N) had already discovered item's of Lotties- a pride flag, a bracelet made of hair, and a popsocket had all been found hidden in (Y/N)'s bottom draw. Pictures of the three (former) lovers together were everywhere; it hurt (Y/N) to know that this girl, who had made such an impact on Francesco and Filippo's lives, had discarded them so quickly, and without a second thought.

Upon arrival to the Gabba-clubhouse, Francesco had locked himself in the Finest Italian Wine™ cellar and was refusing to come out. The constant reminder of Lottie that was prominent in the Gabba-clubhouse was just too much for his sensitive Italian heart.

Filippo was busying himself with attempting to remove the remaining traces 0f Lottie in the Gabbani-clubhouse. However, there was just so much Official Lottie Merch™ in the house, and his attempts were in vain. There was no way to remove the 10ft mural of Lottie with the ff-bros, or the life-size bronze statue.

(Y/N) couldn't deal with this sudden saddness that was surrounding them at the moment. 

"I'm going for a quick-whizz in the Gabba-mobile!" they announced- no reply. Filippo raised his beautifully sculpted Italian brows by way of aknowledgement, but apart from that, (Y/N) was ignored. They strode out of the house on their (Y/L/L) legs, and set sail on the Gabbani-mobile.

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