Chapter 7

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It had been two weeks since Lottie had left for Norway, and the Gabbani Clubhouse felt empty without her.

Francesco aimlessly stared at the portrait on the wall that had been carefully crafted of them. Picasso himself had painted it. Another Italian tear fell down his face.

Filippo marched into the living room.
"Right Francesco, I'm sick of you being miserable and caught-up over Lottie. We have to do something!"

"I don't want to do anything, Filippo." Francesco sobbed, staring at the 'her beast' bracelet.

Suddenly in a fit of rage, he threw the bracelet across the room, landing right in Filippo's freshly made risotto. Francesco screamed; like, really loudly, and collapsed onto the sofa, grabbing a cushion to his face, and began screaming Italian words into it.

"TAGLIATELLA! CARBONARA! VINO!" Filippo became concerned. Whenever Francesco started shouting Italian cuisine, something serious was going on.

"CROISSANT! ESCARGOT! BAGUETTE! VIN!" Oh shit. When Francesco started speaking le français, nothing was right with the world.

Filippo had to do something, and quick. He whipped out his phone and opened up Yellow Italia™. After hours and hours of swiping through copious amounts of lucious women, he suddenly thought: What if Francesco's gay?

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