Chapter 6

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Lottie left. :(

As the ff-bros watched the FranceAir (they weren't trusting Jet2 again, seriously) plane take off, they knew they'd never see Lottie again. As Francesco watched the plane disappear into the distance, Filippo turned away. He walked, deep in thought, leaving Francesco in the lobby.


Filippo kept thinking back to all the good times with Lottie. There was just so many. The first time she met was when Lottie had just had a loss in the family. Her arch nemesis, Emily Belshaw, had just killed all Lottie's family, and she was devastated.

Filippo had given Lottie much needed comfort. Soon Lottie has moved in with Filippo, and this was when, on National Spaghetti Day, she met Francesco. Filippo introduced them. And they immediately hit it off.

Soon the threes' relationship had blossomed into something new, and wonderful. They went everywhere together: Rome, to see the coliseum; Verona, to visit Romeo and Juliet; and Sorrento, to rendezvous with the Queen Katherine School Performing Arts Academy Geography Representatives.

After a few marvellous months, Filippo started to notice something. Lottie was constantly on her phone, and occasionally, when the brothers said something, she would answer 'jaja'. Francesco didn't seem to notice, but Filippo smelt a rat. That rat was Norwegian Emma.


Two weeks later, and Lottie had finally left her phone unattended. Filippo sneaked a peak, and saw... a terrible thing, 2536 texts from someone he'd never seen before... someone called...

Norwegian Emma.

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