Chapter 4

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Lottie slowly opened her eyes to a blinding light, her vision cleared and she could see she was surrounded by white.
Slowly she got to her feet, and began walking towards... something- she wasn't sure what.

As she walked, tall, golden gates appeared before her. The door opened and a figure beckoned to her.
"Come on Lottie, just a few more steps, and you'll be in paradise!" Lottie increased her walking pace, wanting to get to the wonderful place this 'angel' described.

Behind the Angel, another figure appeared. He was thin, with black, cropped hair and a thin, well-groomed moustache.

"Join us Lottie!" This new figure called out to her, with a distinctive Austrian accent. Lottie turned in horror to the angel,
"Was that Hitler?" She said, questioning tone in her voice.
"No, no, not at all! Hitler wouldn't be here!" The Angel said, sounding a bit dodge, to be fair...
"I... I don't think I'm ready yet..." Lottie replied. She definitely wasn't trusting this guy...

Lottie stumbled backwards in fear, her suspicions getting the better of her. She fell back, and kept falling back; down, past through the clouds, and back, into the sea, right next to the Gabbani-Mobile.

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