Chapter 22

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(Y/N) quickly realised that the only thing that the brothers found comforting were the words of Sethy-boii. So, (Y/N) being the great person that they are, contacted The Retreat to send one of their devoted disciples to the Gabbani Clubhouse.

Filippo, Francsesco and (y/N) were in the garden, smoking cigarettes. ((Y/N) wasn't tho, because they valued their lungs).

Abruptly a blinding light appeared and, through the light, a figure descended gracefully. She was wearing a blazer of the marroonest maroon, and the feeling that Sethy-boii was close, was... overwhelming. The very grass that her Clarks' Bootleg brogues touched seemed to bow down beneath her feet.

This was an Audley's Angel.

"Greetings, fellow members of The Christian Retreat. Hello, Salut, Ciao, Guten tag, 여보세요, 你好, 💧◆︎◘ 👌♓︎⧫︎♍︎♒︎♏︎⌘︎☪<--- (wingdings btw). My name is Maddie Sanders, and I am an Audley's Angel, the highest rank of The Boii's Ladz. I have transcended here today to tell you some words of comfort during this difficult time."

The light that had surrounded Maddie suddenly dimmed, meaning that the three partially enlightened could actually see her.

Francesco looked at Maddie, and suddenly realised how perfectly her head was attached to her neck, and then Francesco realised- he was falling in love. With an Audley's Angel.

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