Chpt 1: Just a normal(?) day.

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// (H/C) = Hair color, (H/L) = Hair length, (E/C) = Eye color, (F/C) = Favorite color, (F/F) = Favorite food, (Y/N) = Your name, (L/N) = Last name, (M/N) = Middle name.




The sound of the alarm clock awakes me and I groan, opening one eye and slamming my hand on the top of the digital alarm clock. The sound stops and I take a few minutes to slowly get out of bed, yawning in the process.
I run my fingers through my (H/C) (H/L) hair, attempting to rid it of a few knots as I make my way to the closet and open it, pulling a shirt and sweater off a clothing hanger. I then head towards my dresser and grab some socks along with my bra and skinny jeans. I get dressed.
Once I finish getting dressed, I brush my hair and leave my room to eat breakfast. I search the kitchen for something to eat before I smile, taking (F/F) out from where it was and placing it onto the counter.
Once I finish eating breakfast, it is 6:25am and the sunrise has just started. Slipping on my shoes, I decide to take a morning stroll around my neighborhood like I always do.
The air smells like rain and the ground is wet, a few puddles here and there. A gentle breeze blows.
It's Spring and it rained last night. The sound of the rain hitting my window helped me sleep last night, it was like a lullaby. The sound of rain hitting the window was comforting; I couldn't sleep without a little sound. I tried using one of those white noise machines but the sound of the waves or the sounds of a thunderstorm weren't real enough for me.
As I walk, a small sigh leaves my lips and I look around, stuffing my hands in my pockets. It's all peace and quiet until I hear the snapping of a twig from behind me. My heart skips a beat while I begin to think about all of the possible things that could happen to me. 'Could it be a kidnapper?  Could it be a killer? Could it be...?'
To make sure that I'm safe, I quickly turn around...
...but I see no one.
'What the hell?' I think to myself with confusion on my face. I begin to walk a little faster as I take my phone out of my pocket and plug the headphones in, choosing a song, then placing the headphones into my ears to calm myself down.

I walk by into the door of my home around 7:00am and remove my shoes, looking around. 'It looks like mom and dad aren't up yet..' I think to myself.
With nothing to do, I walk to the living room and sit on the couch before turning on the T.V. I switch through several channels before landing on the news.
"This just in. The Johnson family on *** ******* Ave has just been found murdered in their own home. Police are still investigating this matter and people in the neighborhood are asked to supervise their children the whole time they're outside. Witnesses say that the killer has been seen wearing a brown sweater with a blue hood so we ask to keep an eye out. If you happen to see anyone suspicious, please call the police immediately."
******* Avenue...? Shit, that's the same street I live on. I turn off the T.V and peek outside the window only to see police cars at the house across from me. I take a deep breath in order to calm myself down and head towards the kitchen.

Having a pocket knife I found in the kitchen drawer in my pocket, I throw my bag over my shoulder and grab my keys, making my way out the door and locking it behind me. The police cars are still there and I do my best not to think about the murder that has occurred . I place my hand in my pocket to make sure that the pocket knife is still there; I will be needing it if I get attacked after all.
On my way to school, I suddenly feel a pair of eyes on me and I look around, walking a little faster. 'What if I get murdered..?' I think and I shake my head to erase the thought. 'No... I think the police will find them before they even get a chance to hurt me.'

Once I get to school, I head to my locker and put my bag away, grabbing my binder and closing the locker afterwards. Everybody is talking about the murder that happened this morning.
Arriving at my period 1 class, I take my seat in the back of the room and wait for attendance. "(Y/N) (L/N)?" The substitute teacher calls and I raise my hand. Once attendance is over, class begins.
The class was boring so a few of the students ended up falling asleep while the teacher read a few chapters from the textbook.

Finally school was over for the day. I rush to my locker, making my way past the swarm of people. Once I grab my bag, I walk out of the school and start walking home. Halfway home, I begin to feel as if I'm being watched again. To make sure that I'm safe, I take a look at my surroundings and as I expected, no one is around. However, the feeling remains. Freaked out, I run home.
Once I get home, I place my bag in my room and head to the kitchen to make myself some hot chocolate. When it's done, I smile to myself and grab a few cookies before rushing up to my room and closing the door behind me. I grab my laptop and turn it on, humming softly as I open Youtube and click on my favorite playlist.
As the music fills the room, I begin to dance for a bit before sitting at my desk and take out my sketchbook along with my art supplies. My foot taps to the beat while I sketch out a new character that I'm designing for an art project. "Don't make me sad, don't make me cry. Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough, I don't know why. Keep making me laugh, let's go get high. The road is long, we carry on, try to have fun in the meantime.." I sing, erasing a few mistakes on my sketch.
After a few minutes, I grab a cookie from the plate and eat it, taking a sip of my hot chocolate afterwards.

After awhile, the room begins to get a little hot so I remove my shirt and slip on a tank top. I then move towards the window and open it a little, deciding to let a little cool air in. I then stretch out my limbs and look up at the sky which is a beautiful orange. A smile spreads across my lips as I gaze at it for a few minutes, returning to my desk afterwards.

... what I didn't know was that somebody was watching me from a tree. Somebody who was ready to kill his unsuspecting victim.

// Hey guys! Thanks for reading chapter one of the story! I hope that you all enjoyed the first chapter. Please leave some comments on how I could improve the story. I will be updating this fanfic this week sometime so be prepared for chapter two! ^^

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